
Hot Take: University Strongarms Students into Confessing ‘Monosexual Privilege’

The University of Texas at Austin is apparently on a mission to make their students ashamed of their “monosexual privilege”. What is monosexual privilege, you ask? Well, it’s when you exclusively like one gender or sex. But don’t worry if you thought pansexuality meant something completely different, because according to this seminar, you’re just perniciously privileged. Yes, they actually have a workshop that aims to make students face the harsh reality of their “monosexual privilege”. The school’s Gender and Sexuality Center page even promotes an “Affirming LGBTQIA+ People: Interpersonal Allyship” workshop where students can learn about the daily effects of their monosexual privilege.

The workshop includes a downloadable worksheet where students are asked to admit their unearned advantages. Some of these advantages include being able to assume that society recognizes their sexual identity as real, not having to prove their sexual identity to others, and having more authority in defining and judging bisexuality and pansexuality. Apparently, if you identify as bisexual or pansexual, you’re automatically pitifully oppressed.

It’s clear that UT-Austin is pushing the narrative that monosexuals have it easy while those who identify as bi or pan are suffering. But let’s not forget that everyone’s experiences are different. Just because someone identifies as monosexual doesn’t mean they haven’t faced struggles or discrimination. This workshop seems to be based on the assumption that monosexuals have all the privileges and non-monosexuals have none, which is just not true.

The University of Texas at Austin should be focused on providing a well-rounded and inclusive education for all students, rather than trying to make them feel guilty for their sexual preferences. It’s important to celebrate diversity and respect everyone’s individual experiences, but this workshop seems to be doing the opposite by creating a divide between monosexual and non-monosexual individuals. It’s time for universities to prioritize education over political agendas.

Written by Staff Reports

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