
House Blocks Biden’s Push for Electric Car Mandates in Sweeping Vote

The House has just given a thumbs down to the Biden administration’s latest ploy to cram electric vehicles down the throats of everyday Americans. In a sweeping vote, lawmakers blocked new EPA emissions standards that would have mandated that two-thirds of all new cars sold by 2032 be electric. This radical move saw eight brave Democrats break ranks, aligning themselves with their Republican counterparts to put the brakes on this overreach.

With the EPA’s final rule unveiled back in March, it wasn’t surprising to see headlines declare it the “most aggressive emissions restrictions on the auto industry in U.S. history.” However, the reality paints a different picture. The proposed standards would make it shockingly expensive to drive gas-powered cars, as prices were set to soar into the stratosphere, placing electric vehicles firmly on the throne and effectively turning car shopping into a wealthy person’s game.

Under the guise of environmental responsibility, the Biden-Harris team has been attempting to shoehorn Americans into buying EVs. That’s right—this isn’t merely about clean air; it’s a cleverly disguised mandate. The director of the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Center for Energy and Environment pointed out that the government is trying to manipulate every rule in the book to steer consumer choices and stifle market freedom. If this continues, it won’t be long before options for drivers are as scarce as unicorns.

Congress, exercising its authority under the Congressional Review Act, swiftly put the kibosh on these intrusive regulations, sending the bill to the Senate, where it could face a ticking clock. If they don’t act quickly, Republicans might have to reintroduce this critical veto challenge in the next session, thus prolonging the battle against bureaucratic antics even further.

Support for this legislative smackdown has been bolstered by widespread endorsement from various energy groups, who emphasized that the emissions rule isn’t just excessive but a blatant overreach, aiming to mold the auto market to match the Biden administration’s whims. Meanwhile, a GOP senator is already echoing these sentiments in the upper chamber, highlighting that Vice President Harris’s obsession with mandating electric vehicles is a prime example of the administration’s disconnection from the hardworking middle class.

The stakes couldn’t be higher. The outcry against these rules stems from genuine concern for American jobs, particularly in states like Michigan, where manufacturing livelihoods hang in the balance. The narrative is clear: controlling the Senate and the White House is more crucial than ever for Republicans, especially as we brace for a final regulatory offensive from the current administration before it packs its bags. The clock is ticking, and the time to act is now—let’s hope lawmakers keep their foot on the gas before it runs out.

Written by Staff Reports

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