
House Report Alleges Biden Turned White House Into Family ATM

A new report from Republican-led House committees lays out the case that Joe Biden is as guilty as a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. According to a recently released 291-page investigation, the evidence suggests the president has been leveraging his position to enrich his family through foreign business deals, all while defrauding the American public. A classic case of what happens when you combine politics, family, and a whole lot of cash.

Over the last nine months, the House Oversight, Ways and Means, and Judiciary Committees have gathered intelligence that makes it abundantly clear: Joe Biden may have turned the White House into a family ATM. The report alleges he and his relatives pulled in more than $27 million from foreign interests by giving the impression that their hefty donations would provide privileged access to the president himself. If that’s not a modern-day Shakespearean tragedy, what is?

As mentioned, this all started back in 2019 and is still unfolding, but now the committees believe they’ve found undeniable proof that the president was far from an innocent bystander. Biden apparently mixed business with family by dining and talking on the phone with foreign partners who also happened to be lining his family’s pockets with cash. Emails and testimonies from Hunter Biden’s former business associates back this up, making it clear that Biden wasn’t simply “out of the loop.” He was right in the middle of the action.

It gets worse, too. The report even accuses Biden of using his status as vice president to enhance his son’s business resume and smooth out legal hurdles. Whether this means curry favor with foreign powers or fend off investigations into family corruption, it sounds like Biden was running a one-man marketing campaign, using the vice presidency as his family’s golden ticket. To make matters more complicated, the Justice Department reportedly gave Hunter the full VIP treatment, blocking certain lines of inquiry so he could stay out of legal hot water. Nothing says “justice” quite like special treatment for the well-connected.

Now, some might say the idea of impeaching a president who has already announced he will step down at the Democratic National Convention is a moot point. Still, the report’s findings are a sharp reminder that political scandals are not reserved for just one party. It’s a tangled web of influence peddling, laying bare how the Biden name was seemingly used to garner a fortune at the expense of American voters’ trust.

Written by Staff Reports

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