
House Subpoenas IRS, FBI: Hunter Biden Tax Crime Cover-up Exposed?

In a stunning development, the House Ways and Means Committee has taken a bold step in uncovering the truth behind Hunter Biden’s alleged tax crimes. They have issued subpoenas to several IRS investigators and FBI agents, demanding answers about why Special Counsel David Weiss failed to bring charges against the President’s son.

It seems that the Biden administration’s efforts to stonewall Congress have not gone unnoticed. Chairman Jason Smith and Chairman Jim Jordan, from the Ways and Means Committee and the Judiciary Committee respectively, have made it clear that they will not back down in their pursuit of justice. They are determined to get to the bottom of the alleged political interference in Hunter Biden’s shady dealings.

And who can blame them? The American people deserve to know the truth. It is deeply concerning that Hunter Biden, a man with a long history of questionable business dealings, appears to have received special treatment from federal prosecutors. This is a clear example of the swamp protecting its own.

But the plot thickens. Recent reports have revealed that Hunter Biden’s attorneys actually threatened Department of Justice prosecutors. They boldly claimed that they would bring President Biden himself into court if harsh charges were brought against their client. This is an outrageous abuse of power and a blatant attempt to intimidate those seeking to hold the Biden family accountable.

It’s no wonder that the House committees are demanding answers. The appointment of David Weiss, the same U.S. Attorney who oversaw Hunter Biden’s sweetheart plea deal and bungled the investigation into his alleged tax crimes, as special counsel only adds fuel to the fire. This reeks of a cover-up and only further erodes confidence in the justice system.

It’s time for the truth to come out. The American people have a right to know if there was political interference in the investigation of Hunter Biden. They deserve transparency and accountability from their elected officials. The House committees’ subpoenas are a step in the right direction, but it’s clear that there is still a long road ahead. Let’s hope that justice prevails and that the truth about Hunter Biden’s alleged tax crimes is finally exposed.

Written by Staff Reports

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