
Hunter Biden Parties with AG Garland, Mocking Justice at State Dinner

The corrupt elites are once again rubbing their corruption in the faces of people. Just a few days after pleading guilty to various charges, Hunter Biden was spotted at a state dinner with the attorney general, who also happens to be the head of the department that protects him. Also in attendance were Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US Attorney General, who is also named, Merrick Garland.

It's shocking that the elite, including Hunter Biden, are above the law in a country where regular citizens are routinely arrested for the same offenses. Moreover, Jim Biden, the older brother of Joe Biden, attended the state dinner with the powerful under the family's name.

The appearance of conflict of interest in Congressman Duncan Hunter's participation at a state dinner while he's still under investigation is offensive. He's also facing other charges, and attending the event with the state's attorney general is a gross injustice. Joe Biden showed no remorse for inviting his son to the dinner even days after he admitted to his crimes.

The corrupt elites don't care that people know about their corruption. Instead, they continue to flaunt it as they profit from the taxpayers' money. As expected, no mainstream news outlets reported on the incident involving Hunter Biden's attendance at the dinner with Attorney General Merrick Garland.

It's hard to believe in the system that's corrupt, especially in a world where power is at an absolute premium. Only by trusting in something higher than the US Capitol can you hope for justice to prevail.

Source: Red State

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