
Hunter Biden Probe Delayed: Is U.S. Attorney David Weiss to Blame?

It looks like U.S. Attorney David Weiss has been making it hard to find out what happened with Hunter Biden. We now know more about Weiss's part in the investigation thanks to records of IRS whistleblower evidence. It looks like Weiss told Gary Shapley, the senior special agent for the IRS, that he wasn't the one who decided to charge Hunter Biden with a crime. He also said that he hadn't been able to file charges in Washington, D.C. or California, and that he hadn't been given Special Counsel power. This goes against what Attorney General Merrick Garland told Congress, which is that Weiss had full power to investigate and bring charges. So either Garland and Shapley lied, or Weiss has been the problem the whole time.

Let's think about what could have happened. The investigation into Hunter Biden's funds had been going on since November 2018. It was started by IRS agents in D.C. who were looking into an online pornography network, which had nothing to do with Hunter Biden. Using bank records, the U.S. Attorney's office in Delaware started a separate probe into Hunter's funds in January 2019. Even though at least one IRS whistleblower was against it, then-Attorney General Bill Barr chose to combine the probes in Delaware. After two years, the investigations had not made any major progress. It looked like things were going well for the Bidens.

Merrick Garland was also approved as Attorney General, which meant that Weiss could keep working as a U.S. Attorney and have full power to look into Hunter Biden. But it's possible that Garland knew Weiss wasn't really interested in the case and kept him on the team to make himself look fair. During a recent meeting, Congressman Ted Lieu asked FBI Director Christopher Wray a question that gives this idea more weight. Lieu named a few people with ties to Trump who had been convicted in federal court. He did this to show that there wasn't a two-tiered system of justice. But, as we all know, many of these sentences were the result of Attorneys General that Trump chose to watch over the cases. This shows that the justice system has a clear bias, but Lieu's fans eat up his case.

This bias goes all the way up to U.S. Attorneys like David Weiss, especially in places with a lot of Democrats, where prosecutors chosen by Trump know not to upset them. They may seem fair, but what they really care about is not making noise and keeping their own good names. In fact, Delaware's Democratic U.S. Senators Tom Carper and Chris Coons pushed for Weiss to get the job. It seems unlikely that Coons would back a U.S. Attorney who would go after crooked Democrats.

Weiss seems to be the kind of public worker who doesn't take sides and just goes along to get along. In Delaware, where politics are very important, he has never caused much of a stir. Weiss said that it was the attorneys who were denying and stalling action in the Hunter Biden probe. However, two IRS whistleblowers have come forward to say that Weiss's claims are false. These "whistleblowers" think they have enough proof to show crimes, but Weiss and his team have ignored or played down their claims. This is typical of someone who wants to keep the peace and not upset the people in charge.

Now that it's been found out that AUSA Lesley Wolf and FBI Special Agents were told about a form directly connected to the investigation, but IRS-CI agents weren't, it's even more clear that Weiss has been trying to stop the investigation and stop justice from happening. It's time for Hunter Biden to be held accountable and for the truth about his shady business dealings to come out. Only then can we restore trust in the legal system and make sure that everyone is held to the same standards, no matter what party they belong to.

Written by Staff Reports

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