
Hunter Biden Saga: Margaret Brennan’s Surprising Republican Advice!

In a recent interview with former Gov. Chris Christie, “Face the Nation” host Margaret Brennan had the audacity to suggest that Republican lawmakers should “move on” from the investigations into Hunter Biden. Can you believe the nerve of these biased journalists? But fear not, Christie was quick to shut down that idea.

Brennan tried to downplay the seriousness of Hunter Biden’s plea deal, conveniently forgetting to mention that it allowed him to avoid jail time. But Christie wasn’t fooled. He called out the conduct of the US Attorney in Delaware and the Justice Department, pointing out that it took them a whopping five years to come to this pathetic plea deal.

And let’s not forget about the gun charge. While Democrats are busy pushing for more restrictive gun laws, they conveniently ignore the fact that Hunter Biden lied on his gun permit application and faced no penalty. And who sponsored the law that Hunter broke? None other than his father, Senator Joe Biden. The hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds.

Christie made it clear that it’s not time to move on. We need answers. Why did it take five years for this investigation? Why did Hunter Biden get off so easy? These are questions that the American people deserve answers to.

But instead of addressing these concerns, Brennan simply echoed the talking point that the US Attorney was appointed by former President Trump. Christie wasn’t having it. He emphasized that it doesn’t matter who appointed the attorney, what matters is their competence. And right now, it’s clear that the American justice system is lacking confidence.

It’s time for Republicans to stand firm and continue these investigations. We can’t let the biased media or the incompetency of the Justice Department deter us from seeking the truth. The American people deserve better.

Written by Staff Reports

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