
Hunter Biden Tax Tangle: Brother Dragged Into Grand Jury Drama!

As part of his investigation into Hunter Biden, special counsel David Weiss has called a grand jury to Los Angeles and served James Biden, the brother of President Biden, with a subpoena. CNN said that this investigation is mainly about claims that Hunter Biden didn't pay taxes on money he made in other countries.

It is still not clear which tax years are being looked at, and it is also not clear if Weiss is looking into any other possible crimes committed by President Biden's living son. Hunter pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor tax evasion charges in June. The charges were linked to earnings over $1.5 million in 2017 and 2018. At that point, on July 26, the plea deal changed because Hunter was now facing criminal charges for lying about buying a gun and having a gun while drunk.

Hunter has pleaded not guilty to all charges, but the case is still going on. During the plea meeting, prosecutors gave Hunter a hint that they might face more charges, such as possible violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). Hunter is accused of breaking the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) because he didn't register as a foreign agent while doing business with his father and uncle in places like China and Ukraine.

The FBI is looking into Weiss's investigation into money laundering and FARA violations, but they haven't said when they will file charges against Hunter for these actions. Federal investigators have also brought up the possibility of sex trafficking charges against Hunter because of his interactions with alleged prostitutes, which show he may have helped plan their trips across state lines, which would be against the Mann Act.

Also, IRS leakers say Hunter didn't pay taxes on $8.3 million he made between 2014 and 2019, when he worked for the Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings and the Chinese private equity fund BHR Partners.

In August, federal officials said they might bring new tax charges in different districts because Hunter's plea deal was complicated. The file said, "The Government, in the exercise of its prosecutorial discretion, is considering what tax charges to bring in another district and may elect to bring the same charges set forth in the instant information or different ones."

Before the June deal, Weiss had not brought tax charges against Hunter in Southern California or Washington, DC, because those districts refused to help him with his probe.

The House Oversight Committee, which is mostly made up of Republicans, recently sent subpoenas to Hunter Biden, James Biden, and Rob Walker, a family friend. The committee says the Biden brothers bragged about how they could get the president good business deals that would be good for the economy. But President Biden strongly denies that he has talked about international business deals with Hunter or any of his relatives, even though there is proof to the contrary.

Written by Staff Reports

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