
Hunter Biden’s Art Buyers Unveiled, Corruption Claims Surge

The Biden family can’t seem to escape corruption allegations, and this time it involves none other than Hunter Biden’s “art” sales. After his questionable foreign dealings and alleged criminal behavior, Hunter Biden decided to settle down in California and pursue a career as a painter. But even before the revelations about Chinese bribery, people were questioning how Hunter Biden could sell his paintings without it being seen as an influence-peddling scheme.

And it looks like those concerns were warranted. According to an exclusive report, Hunter Biden has already made over $1.3 million from his art. But it’s the buyers that are causing eyebrows to raise. When Hunter Biden’s paintings debuted in a New York art gallery last year with asking prices as high as $500,000, the White House assured the public that the buyers would be carefully vetted and their identities protected. However, it turns out that Hunter Biden did learn the identities of two buyers, and one of them got a favor from the Biden White House.

It’s highly suspicious that an unknown “artist” like Hunter Biden could sell his paintings for that much money in such a short amount of time. Usually, artists have to establish themselves and build a reputation before earning that kind of cash. The fact that one buyer spent $875,000 on Hunter Biden’s works raises even more questions. Was this buyer, Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali, who was later appointed to a prestigious commission by Joe Biden? The timing certainly raises eyebrows.

And let’s not forget Hunter Biden’s past claims of having control over who gets appointed to the commission in question. This isn’t the first time someone connected to Hunter Biden has ended up on the same commission after possibly buying his art. It’s all just too convenient to be a coincidence. The Biden family’s corruption is blatant, and they seem to believe they’re above the law. It’s time for the American people to hold them accountable.

Written by Staff Reports

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