
Hunter Biden’s Plea Deal Fiasco Exposes CNN’s Struggle to Defend the Indefensible

In a stunning turn of events, the truth is finally catching up to Hunter Biden as his dream of escaping any real consequences for his unlawful actions crumbles before his very eyes. As the First Family’s favorite network, CNN, desperately tries to make sense of the chaos, it’s clear that they themselves are struggling to defend the indefensible.

Host John Berman, stating the obvious, laments the “bad mistake” made in Hunter Biden’s sweetheart plea deal. Oh dear, someone call the Sheriff of Obviousville! It’s truly astonishing that CNN is just now realizing the magnitude of this miscommunication. Perhaps they were too busy obsessing over pillows or covering for the latest left-wing hero.

But even CNN’s legal expert, Eli Honig, can’t wrap his head around the sheer incompetence displayed by both the Justice Department and Hunter Biden’s lawyers. He scratches his head in bewilderment, wondering how they could stroll into that courtroom without a clear understanding of the immunity and limitations of the deal. Well, Eli, when you’re dealing with the Bidens, incompetence seems to be a recurring theme.

The crux of the disagreement lies in potential future charges against Hunter Biden. The judge, rightfully so, refused to grant him a “get out of jail free” card that would shield him from future prosecution. Shocking, isn’t it? It appears that the rule of law still matters to some people, despite the best efforts of the liberal media to dismantle it.

As this story continues to unravel, it becomes increasingly apparent that no amount of spin can save Hunter Biden from the consequences of his actions. It’s a refreshing reminder that no one, not even the son of the President, is above the law. Perhaps CNN should spend less time scratching their heads and more time holding the Biden family accountable for their blatant disregard for the rules that the rest of us are expected to follow. Oh, who are we kidding? That would require journalistic integrity, something sorely lacking in their reporting.

Written by Staff Reports

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