
Hunter Biden’s Shocking Court Demand: Video Plea to Evade Charges?

In a not-so-shocking turn of events, Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, plans to plead not guilty to the federal felony counts he’s facing. Apparently, he wants to pretend like he didn’t lie about his drug use and addiction to acquire a firearm illegally back in 2018. Who would have thought?

But here’s the kicker. Hunter’s legal team is requesting that he be allowed to enter his not guilty plea through a video conference because, get this, his Secret Service detail would be too much of a bother to the locals. Seriously? They think that avoiding inconveniences for Hunter is more important than following proper court procedures? Talk about entitlement.

They even have the audacity to argue that it would save government resources and prevent disruption to the courthouse and downtown areas. Well, newsflash, folks! This is not about convenience or special treatment. It’s about justice being served equally for everyone, regardless of their last name.

Remember when former President Donald Trump had to show up in person for his not guilty pleas? No special treatment there. But apparently, Hunter Biden’s lawyers seem to think that because he’s the son of the current president, he deserves different rules. Sorry, but the two-tiered justice system doesn’t fly in the real world.

And let’s not forget that Hunter’s lawyers claim he’s not seeking any special treatment. Really? Because his request to avoid traveling from California to Delaware and have an easy video conference seems pretty special to me. It’s not like he’s in prison or on house arrest. He’s just inconvenienced by having to show up like any other defendant.

It’s clear that Hunter Biden is trying to take advantage of his family’s influence and avoid the consequences of his actions. Just because he’s been able to skate by with a slap on the wrist before doesn’t mean he should get off easy this time. The federal justice system should treat everyone equally, including Hunter Biden.

But hey, let’s see if the judge falls for this request. If they do, it’ll be yet another example of the special treatment Hunter Biden receives while others face harsher consequences. It’s time for the Biden family to be held accountable, just like any other American would be.

Written by Staff Reports

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