
Hunter Hiding? GOP’s Pursuit Thwarted by Weiss’s Evasive Tactics

U.S. Attorney David Weiss has found himself in hot water when it comes to charging Hunter Biden, and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan is not happy about it. Jordan, a Republican from Ohio, sent Weiss a letter demanding clarification about his authority to bring charges against Hunter Biden. And let’s just say, things got a little complicated.

But before we dive into the details, let’s talk about timing. Weiss, being the sneaky guy that he is, decided to send his letter to Jordan on a Friday night. Classic “Friday night news dump” move, right before a holiday weekend. It’s almost like he wanted to bury the news and hope nobody notices. Well, sorry Weiss, conservatives are always on the lookout for sneaky tactics like this.

Now, onto the confusion surrounding Weiss’s authority. IRS whistleblower Gary Shapling has been spreading the word that Weiss doesn’t actually have the full authority to bring charges against Hunter Biden. He claims that Weiss even told six witnesses that he doesn’t have the authority. And let’s not forget, Shapling has been in the spotlight, giving interviews and testifying before congressional committees. So, we can’t just dismiss his claims.

But here’s where it gets interesting. Attorney General Merrick Garland came out and said that Weiss does, in fact, have the authority to charge Hunter Biden. So, who are we supposed to believe? It’s like a game of he said, she said, but with political consequences.

In Weiss’s letter to Jordan, he finally admits that his charging authority is geographically limited to his home district in Delaware. If the case falls outside of his district, he’s supposed to reach out to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in that district and see if they want to partner on the case. And if they don’t, he can request special attorney status from the Attorney General. Sounds like a lot of bureaucratic hoops to jump through. Can’t they just make it simpler?

But here’s the kicker. Weiss didn’t answer all of the questions that Jordan asked him. It’s almost as if he’s purposely avoiding some of the important details. And Margot Cleveland, a writer for The Federalist, was quick to point this out on Twitter. It’s frustrating to see someone in a position of power sidestepping accountability and transparency.

Overall, the whole situation reeks of political maneuvering and lack of transparency. Conservatives like Jordan are just trying to get to the truth, but it seems like there are forces at play trying to protect Hunter Biden. And that’s not fair. The American people deserve answers, and Weiss’s letter doesn’t exactly inspire confidence. Let’s hope Jordan finds a way to compel the information he’s seeking and holds Weiss accountable. It’s about time someone cuts through the red tape and gets to the bottom of this.

Written by Staff Reports

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