
Hunter Pays Joe’s Bills with Shady Cash: GOP Outraged!

House Republicans are absolutely livid after uncovering a shocking text message from none other than Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden. The message reveals that Hunter allegedly paid his father’s bills for the past 11 years using money obtained from his shady overseas business dealings. Oh boy, these corrupt Biden family dealings just keep unraveling!

According to the 2018 text conversation between Hunter and his assistant, Katie Dodge, it seems that Hunter was having some trouble with his Wells Fargo account. He complained about too many changes and “too many cooks in the kitchen.” But the real bombshell came when Hunter mentioned that his dad, President Biden, had been using most of the lines of credit on his account, which Hunter had kindly been paying for over the past decade. How generous!

You can imagine the fury among GOP members when they got wind of this text message. It’s bad enough that Hunter Biden was involved in shady business deals while his father was vice president, but now it seems that Joe Biden was also personally benefiting from his son’s dubious activities. Talk about a conflict of interest!

GOP Rep. Elise Stefanik didn’t hold back, calling it out as blatant corruption. And she’s absolutely right! It’s crystal clear that Hunter was selling access to his father, Joe, to the highest bidder while using the proceeds to pay off Joe’s credit card bills. This is the kind of corruption that has no place in our government. It’s high time we face the facts that Joe Biden is compromised.

Republicans are arguing that these revelations demonstrate just how politically compromised President Biden is. They believe he’s sold out the United States to make millions for himself and his family. And honestly, it’s hard to argue with them. Joe Biden has always been a career politician, and it seems that he’s become quite adept at playing money-laundering shell games.

Let’s not forget about the email from Hunter’s business partner, Eric Schwerin, in 2010. It clearly states that funds from Joe Biden’s tax refund check were being transferred into Hunter’s account because “he owes it to you.” Well, isn’t that nice? I guess Joe Biden feels entitled to his son’s hard-earned money.

And just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, a 2019 text message from Hunter to his daughter, Naomi, reveals that Joe Biden forced him to hand over half of his salary. Seriously, Joe? Are you that desperate for cash? It’s almost laughable how the Biden family believes they’re entitled to other people’s money.

In conclusion, these text messages are just further evidence of the deep corruption that plagues the Biden family. It’s time for the American people to wake up to the reality that Joe Biden is not the clean-cut, trustworthy leader he claims to be. He’s just another compromised career politician looking to line his own pockets, no matter the cost to the American people. It’s time to hold him accountable and demand the truth.

Written by Staff Reports

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