
Hunter’s Gun Scandal: Biden Family Corruption Exposed!

The Biden family corruption saga just keeps getting worse and worse! In a report from Politico two years ago, it was revealed that Hunter Biden lied on a federal background check form to purchase a firearm. That’s a felony, folks! But what’s even more concerning is that Hunter’s girlfriend and sister-in-law later got rid of the gun in a garbage receptacle near a school, triggering a police investigation. And this is where it gets REALLY suspicious – Secret Service agents approached the gun store owner and requested the paperwork involving the sale, but the owner refused on suspicions that the Secret Service officers wanted to hide Hunter’s ownership of the gun! What were they hiding?

But wait, there’s more! After being investigated over his shady firearm purchase, Hunter Biden texted a Chinese national demanding a big payment, allegedly while sitting next to his father Joe Biden. And guess what? The payment was made within days! The Biden family has repeatedly denied knowledge of Hunter’s international dealings, but the evidence is mounting that they’re covering up the truth.

In addition, the President’s son’s misconduct extends to his personal life. Hunter recently settled with the mother of his child for child support, but not before using his exorbitant wealth and power to avoid taking responsibility for his child. And get this, folks: he’s even denying the child the use of the Biden name! What a total hypocrite.

Americans deserve answers about the Biden family’s corruption and the potential involvement of the Secret Service. And what’s with the DOJ denying whistleblowers’ allegations about the handling of Hunter’s case? The truth needs to come out, and it’s clear that the Biden family is hiding something. In 2020, the First Lady claimed that “decency” was on the ballot – but the facts show that the Bidens are anything but decent.

Written by Staff Reports

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