
Hunter’s Plea Deal Tainted? Prosecutor’s Ties to Biden Exposed!

In a jaw-dropping turn of events, it has been revealed that the federal prosecutor who signed off on Hunter Biden’s “sweetheart” plea deal also happened to work as a special counsel for none other than Hunter’s shady business partner. Talk about a conflict of interest! Assistant United States Attorney Derek Hines, who was responsible for approving the charges against Hunter Biden, had previously been hired by former FBI director Louis Freeh at Freeh Group International Solutions. And who was Freeh working closely with? You guessed it, Hunter Biden himself!

Now, I don’t know about you, but when the people in charge of prosecuting someone have such close ties to their business partner, it raises serious questions about the integrity of the entire investigation. This whole plea deal reeks of favoritism and cronyism. It’s as if there are two sets of rules in our justice system – one for the politically connected elite like Hunter Biden, and one for the rest of us hardworking Americans.

Republican lawmakers, including Senator Ron Johnson, aren’t afraid to call out this blatant corruption. They argue that Hunter Biden got off way too easy, receiving nothing more than a slap on the wrist for his alleged tax crimes. And let’s not forget that this is the same Hunter Biden who was involved in shady foreign business dealings while his father, Joe Biden, was Vice President. It’s clear that there are serious questions that need to be answered here.

But it gets even worse. It turns out that Freeh, the man who hired Hines and worked closely with Hunter Biden, also offered “lucrative future work options” to both Joe Biden and Hunter Biden after Joe’s term as Vice President ended. Doesn’t that sound fishy to you? It’s no wonder that people are questioning whether there’s a connection between all of this and the ongoing criminal investigation into Hunter Biden.

And let’s not forget about the claims made by IRS whistleblowers, who allege that the Department of Justice interfered in the investigation into Hunter Biden’s tax crimes. They say that David Weiss, the federal prosecutor appointed by President Trump, was prevented from prosecuting Hunter Biden. It’s clear that there was a concerted effort to protect Hunter Biden and stop investigators from following the money trail back to Joe Biden or the so-called “big guy.” This is a serious abuse of power, and it must not go unnoticed.

In the end, this entire ordeal is a glaring example of the broken system we have in place. If you’re a Republican, the Biden DOJ won’t hesitate to throw the book at you and try to put you in prison for a hundred years. But if you’re someone like Hunter Biden, with the right last name, they’ll treat you with kid gloves and give you a mere “traffic ticket” for your crimes. It’s time for real accountability and justice in our country, not this blatant double standard. Let’s hope the truth comes out and those responsible for this corrupt plea deal are held accountable.

Written by Staff Reports

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Hunter Biden’s Sugar-Coated Plea Deal: Look Who Signed It Off!