
Hunter’s Web of Corruption: Biden Dynasty on the Brink?

The scandal story about the Biden family keeps getting messier, and Hunter Biden's stay at the Chateau Marmont isn't even that bad. Even outside of right media, the story is getting more attention, and the Biden White House is feeling the heat. The House Ways and Means Committee released credible evidence from IRS employees who said that their investigations of Hunter Biden were slowed down. But, folks, that's just the beginning.

David Weiss, the US Attorney for the state of Delaware, wanted to charge Hunter in March 2022, but he couldn't. It's hard to figure out why Hunter keeps getting away with his shady business practices. Maybe the Biden family has been in charge for too long and now thinks they are above the law. And let's not forget that Hunter just made a deal to escape jail time on gun and tax charges by pleading guilty. Yes, the Biden family gets away with crimes that would send most Americans to prison.

Allegations keep coming out that Hunter and Joe Biden were involved in a bribery plan with the co-founder of Burisma Holdings, Mykola Zlochevsky. Reports say that the situation is messy and that Zlochevsky has a ledger and tapes of talks with the Bidens. As if that weren't enough, Zlochevsky is also said to be working for Russian intelligence. How much more proof do we need that Joe and Jill Biden are dishonest?

The most shocking new information about the IRS whistleblowers came in the form of WhatsApp texts, which made Hunter's lawyer very angry. Hunter seems to have asked a Chinese businessman what happened to his payments in one of the texts. Gary Shapley Jr., an IRS Special Agent in charge of criminal supervision, used a search warrant to get the messages. In the texts, on July 30, 2017, Hunter asks Henry Zhao, the CEO of Harvest Fund Management:

"My father and I are sitting here, and we want to know why the promise made has not been kept. Tell the director that I want to settle this now, tonight, before it gets out of hand.

Even worse for the Bidens, Attorney General Merrick Garland is being investigated for lying under oath. He said that his office did not limit the investigation into Hunter Biden, but Agent Shapley's talk with CBS News in May seems to contradict that. The truth needs to come out about how crooked the Biden family is, and the American people deserve to know everything.

Written by Staff Reports

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