
Ignoring Parental Rights? Economy Alert: Wake Up, Foolish Left!

At Erick Erickson’s Gathering in Atlanta, Georgia, the presidential candidates took the stage in a refreshing format that didn’t involve any questions about Trump or his indictments. Instead, the focus was on the issues that matter most to voters, and the economy remained at the forefront.

While there were many topics discussed, one key issue stood out: education. Four of the candidates, including Tim Scott, Ron DeSantis, Chris Christie, and Nikki Haley, all made a point to address education and its importance for the future of our country. They highlighted the need for school choice, parental rights, and fixing our education system.

It’s no coincidence that education is being brought up by these candidates. In the 2022 elections, education was a top motivator for voters, particularly in places where Republicans made significant gains. Parents want to ensure their children have the best opportunities for academic success, and they see the importance of being involved in their education.

Unfortunately, Democrats and teachers’ unions seem to be pushing against parental involvement in education. They want to further control the education system, even at the expense of students’ academic success. This is happening at a time when American students are falling behind, and teachers are leaving the classroom in droves.

The current state of the Democratic Party’s approach to education is concerning. They view education as a system to produce obedient workers, rather than fostering critical thinking and individual growth. Any questioning or involvement from parents is seen as an act of rebellion, and they may even be labeled as domestic terrorists.

The fact that the candidates at Erickson’s Gathering focused on education shows that they understand the importance of providing hope for the American people. These are not “Very Online” people obsessed with Twitter spats or the latest political drama. They are looking for real solutions and a brighter future, and the candidates on stage have given them hope.

Overall, it’s clear that the economy remains a top priority, but we must not overlook the critical issue of parental rights and education. The candidates at Erickson’s Gathering have shown that they understand the importance of education for our children’s future, and they are committed to fixing our education system. It’s refreshing to see candidates who genuinely care about the issues that matter most to everyday Americans.

Written by Staff Reports

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