
Ignoring the Truth: Media Silence on Alleged ‘Transphobic’ Murder Saga

In a shocking and tragic case of anti-transgender violence, a Portland man was stabbed to death while defending his transgender friend from a convicted criminal. The incident occurred outside of a bar in the early hours of July 2. Witnesses allege that a black man named Rahnique Usef Jackson targeted and harassed an LGBTQ+ member of the victim’s group. The victim, Colin Michael Smith, stepped in and was fatally stabbed multiple times by Jackson.

The sister of the victim, Danielle Smith, described the incident as a hate crime, stating that the suspect didn’t like that her friend was transgender and Colin was defending her. It is truly heartbreaking to see someone lose their life simply for standing up for what they believe in and protecting their friends.

After evading law enforcement for several days, Jackson was eventually arrested by the U.S. Marshals Service. He has been charged with second-degree murder and unlawful use of a weapon, among other charges. A grand jury has also indicted Jackson on a bias crime charge. It is essential that justice is served and that this crime is appropriately punished.

Despite the brutality and apparent motivation behind this murder, the national news outlets have largely ignored the story. It is disheartening to see how the media selectively covers incidents based on their own biases. If the races were reversed in this case, we can only imagine the level of coverage it would receive. The media has a responsibility to report on all incidents of violence fairly, without any political agenda.

One concerning aspect of this case is the lack of transparency regarding the suspect’s information. Unlike other accused criminals, Jackson’s mugshot has not been widely circulated. The local outlets, who have access to public records, have failed to publish his photo. This lack of information makes it difficult for the public to help authorities and leaves us wondering why his image is being withheld.

This case also highlights the need for a change in Oregon’s law on the release of booking photos. House Bill 3273, which went into effect earlier this year, restricts the release of mugshots unless certain conditions are met. This legislation, pushed by Democrats, prioritizes the privacy of offenders over the safety and awareness of the public. It is a clear example of the liberal agenda taking precedence over common sense.

In the end, Colin Smith’s life was tragically cut short. He was a beloved member of his community, known for his empathy and love for others. He was someone who stood up for the underdog and always looked out for his friends. His death is a devastating loss, not just for his family and friends but for the entire community. We must honor his memory by continuing to fight against hate and standing up for justice.

Written by Staff Reports

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