
Ilhan Omar Backs Hamas, Dems Blind to Danger!

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), the self-proclaimed champion of Hamas, continues to advocate for a ceasefire in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. However, it’s clear that no one, not even her own liberal colleagues, supports this absurd idea. Democrats are now proposing these so-called humanitarian pauses, which are essentially just fancy terms for allowing Hamas to regroup and continue their attacks. It’s mind-boggling that so many progressives fail to see the truth here.

Let’s not forget that Hamas has been in control of Gaza for a whopping 17 years. They have shown time and again that they have no qualms about stealing humanitarian aid or using it to strengthen their terrorist activities. But maybe Omar doesn’t care about that. After all, we’ve seen the wave of pro-terrorist rallies across the country, where young left-wingers proudly show their support for Hamas. It’s clear that they know exactly who Hamas is and what they stand for.

Omar’s reckless actions go beyond her misguided views on this issue. She has a habit of peddling terrorist propaganda. Remember when she claimed that Israel has “hypnotic powers”? It was rightly seen as anti-Semitic. And let’s not forget the time she tweeted photos of dead children, claiming they were victims of Israeli attacks, when in reality they were Arab victims of Assad’s gas attacks. It’s clear that Omar either lacks intelligence or deliberately spreads falsehoods to further her agenda.

Now, she’s trying to play the Islamophobia card, insinuating that the recent fire at a mosque was an act of arson. But here’s the inconvenient truth – authorities have found no evidence of foul play. Yet, Omar is more than happy to stoke fear and division within the Muslim community. It’s important to note that the mosque was previously set on fire by Jackie Little, a man who has been charged for his intentional acts. The Muslim community understandably has concerns, but Omar’s attempts to exploit this situation for her own political gain are disgraceful.

So, let’s set the record straight. While Omar and her allies cry victimhood and advocate for Hamas, let’s not forget the true victims here – the 1,400 Israeli families who have endured the horrors of Hamas’s violence. Their lives have been shattered by this terrorist organization, yet Omar seems more concerned with pushing her radical agenda than standing up for the innocent civilians who are suffering. It’s time for Americans to see through her charade and recognize the danger she poses to our national security.

Written by Staff Reports

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