
Impeachment Looms for Garland Over Hunter Biden Cover-Up!

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has announced that the House will be launching an impeachment inquiry into Attorney General Merrick Garland by July 6. This move comes in response to the bombshell allegations made by an IRS whistleblower, Gary Shapley, who testified that David Weiss and other officials obstructed their investigation into Hunter Biden’s taxes. The Speaker of the House believes the discrepancies between what Shapley revealed and what Weiss told him provide clear justification for impeachment proceedings against Garland.

It is outrageous that the attorney general, who is supposed to uphold the law, would weaponize the DOJ for political reasons. The American people deserve leaders who work to ensure the integrity of our laws and judicial system, not those who use them to advance their partisan agenda. This move should come as no surprise given the Biden administration’s track record of protecting their own, no matter what the cost.

The American people deserve to know the truth about what really happened with Hunter Biden’s alleged tax crimes. If Garland has anything to do with obstructing this investigation, then he must be held accountable. The abhorrent behavior of top DOJ officials under the Biden administration must not be tolerated.

It is time for the House to take action and hold those accountable who are abusing their power and putting their interests above those of the American people. The impeachment inquiry into Attorney General Merrick Garland is an important step in restoring justice and fairness to our government.

Written by Staff Reports

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