
Indiana Court Backs Near-Total Abortion Ban: Pro-Life Triumph!

What a week Republicans have had! They keep winning, and the Indiana Supreme Court gave them their most recent victory. This court decided to keep the state's ban on almost all abortions in place, which is great news for people who want to protect life.

With a vote of 3–2, the court rejected the preliminary order that had stopped the law from going into effect since September. Justice Derek Molter, who gave the majority opinion, made it clear that Indiana's constitution does not protect a woman's right to an abortion unless her life is in danger or she faces a real health risk. Molter says that the General Assembly has the power to decide how far they want to go in banning abortions. We like to see common-sense thought like that!

Let's talk about the law itself now. This ban, which was passed in August of 2022, makes it illegal to have an abortion unless there is a fatal baby defect, a major health risk to the mother, or the mother is being raped. Before this rule went into place, abortions were only allowed after 20 weeks of pregnancy. So, basically, Indiana has chosen to do everything they can to protect the lives of future children. Kudos to them!

But for now, don't get too excited. Even though the ban was supposed to start on September 15, it was quickly stopped by a state circuit court after pro-abortion doctors filed a case. It seems like they just can't accept that Indiana is standing up for the lives of unborn children!

Todd Rokita, the Republican Attorney General, is right to defend this decision, bless his heart. He thinks it is "morally right" to protect those kids because they are innocent. We completely agree! He has promised to keep working for young people and making sure their lives are safe.

But things aren't always going well. There is still a case going on. Hoosier Jews for Choice and the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana (ACLU) filed it. They say that the 2015 Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) is being broken by the ban on abortions. The state is challenging both the approval of the class-action lawsuit and the injunction, so there is hope that these wrong claims will be thrown out.

It's not a big surprise that leftists are upset about this choice. After the Supreme Court rejected Roe v. Wade, Indiana was the first state to ban abortions. They're just mad that Republicans are finally standing up for what's right and protecting the weakest people in our society.

Overall, this is a big win for conservatism and the fight to protect life. Indiana has done something brave to protect the lives of unborn children, and we can only hope that other states will do the same. It's time to stop the disaster of abortion and really value the purity of life. Let's keep fighting!

Written by Staff Reports

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