
Iran Schemes to Erase Israel with Biased “Referendum” Ploy

Iranian Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian has once again made it abundantly clear that Iran has no interest in peace when it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. During a forum in Doha, he boldly declared that a “two-state solution” is not the answer, and instead, he proposed a referendum where only those who lived in the area prior to 1948 would be allowed to vote, effectively excluding the descendants of the Jewish people who have resided there for centuries.

Amirabdollahian’s proposal, which Iranian state media has deceptively portrayed as a “peaceful” resolution, is nothing but a thinly veiled attempt to annihilate the state of Israel. By insisting that only Palestinians should have a say in the future of the region, Iran is advocating for the dissolution of Israel under the guise of a democratic process.

Furthermore, Iranian officials, including Expediency Council member Mohsen Rezaei, have brazenly expressed their desire for a single state in the region that would spell trouble for the Jewish population. Rezaei made it clear that the notion of two states is obsolete and conveyed a menacing vision of an “Islamic Army” that could potentially wipe out Israel and expel the United States from the Middle East.

Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi has also shamelessly presented a package of so-called “solutions” for the Palestinian issue, including labeling the Israel Defense Forces as a terrorist organization and advocating for the trial of Israeli and American leaders for alleged war crimes.

It is abundantly evident that Iran, under its current leadership, has no intention of seeking peaceful coexistence with Israel. The inflammatory rhetoric and belligerent posturing coming from Tehran only serve to escalate tensions in the region and undermine any prospects for a genuine and lasting peace. The international community must confront Iran’s dangerous and destabilizing agenda, which poses a grave threat to the security and stability of the Middle East.

Written by Staff Reports

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