
Iran’s Puppets Vow Ramp-Up on West Following US Killings

In a stern warning to the Western world, a leader associated with the "Islamic Resistance in Iraq" has asserted that any talks between Baghdad and Washington concerning the presence of U.S. troops will only escalate pressure on the "occupiers." This ominous statement follows President Joe Biden's confirmation that three American service members were killed and numerous others injured in a drone attack on the Syria-Jordan border. Nevertheless, confusion persists regarding the strike's precise location, with Biden claiming it occurred in Jordan, while the Jordanian government insists it happened in Syrian territory.

Despite Biden's commitment to hold those responsible accountable, his administration has faced criticism for not retaliating against multiple attacks on American troops in the region since the October 7 massacre of over 1,200 Israelis by the Sunni jihadist organization Hamas. The Islamic Resistance in Iraq, alongside Iran-backed groups like Hezbollah, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and Shiite Houthi terrorists, has been coordinating attacks in solidarity with Hamas' call for the genocide of Jews in the region.

Biden's announcement underscores the precarious safety of Americans abroad. He attributes the recent attacks to "Iran-backed" groups, with the Islamic Resistance in Iraq claiming responsibility. This marks a notable expansion of their operations beyond Iraq, as evidenced by a video they released showcasing the drone strikes.

An anonymous commander from Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba, a group under the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, has indicated plans for more attacks on Americans. This bold threat leaves no ambiguity about their intentions.

It's crucial to recognize that Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba is one of many Iran-backed militias in Iraq, known for their aggression against American forces. In response to the attack, Iran's foreign ministry denied involvement, shifting blame onto the United States and employing deceptive tactics.

The celebration of these killings by Iran's terror proxies, such as Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, is deeply disturbing. These groups, funded by Iran, openly rejoiced at the deaths of American soldiers, showcasing a blatant disregard for human life.

The recent attack and threats from Iran-backed terrorists highlight the ongoing dangers faced by American troops in the region. It is imperative for the Biden administration to respond decisively, sending a clear message that attacks on Americans will not go unanswered.

Written by Staff Reports

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