
IRS Whistleblowers Expose Hunter Biden’s Sweetheart Plea Deal: Is Justice Unequal?

In a surprising turn of events, individuals who have blown the whistle on the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) have recently stepped forward, accusing the agency of wrongdoing and favoritism towards Hunter Biden. It comes as little surprise that Hunter was given a favorable plea deal by the Department of Justice, which is headed by his own father, just a few days prior. Jason Smith, the Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, a Republican from Missouri, has confirmed these allegations, stating that his committee possesses credible testimony from whistleblowers, indicating misconduct and government abuse that results in preferential treatment for Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden.

According to the whistleblowers, the federal government is not applying tax laws equally to all taxpayers. They also reported immediate retaliation for their actions and claimed that the Department of Justice under the Biden administration intervened in the investigations involving Hunter Biden. These revelations expose the unfortunate truth that ordinary Americans are expected to abide by the rules while the political elite enjoy special privileges.

The IRS whistleblowers testified that Hunter Biden was involved in tax evasion and fraud, amounting to approximately $2.2 million in unreported taxes on income from various sources in Ukraine, Romania, and China, both for Hunter Biden and his associates. The whistleblowers pointed out several foreign payments made to Hunter Biden, including $664,000 from the Chinese company State Energy HK, a valuable diamond worth $80,000, and a Porsche valued at $142,000, among others.

The findings of the whistleblowers' investigation clearly indicated that tax liabilities existed for these payments, but they faced internal obstacles and intimidation from defense counsel. Their testimony unveiled a lack of transparency, independence of U.S. attorneys, unnecessary delays, and actions outside the normal course of any investigation.

A shocking revelation emerged when U.S. Attorney of Delaware David Weiss, who was leading the investigation into Hunter Biden, was repeatedly denied the authority to bring charges. Despite U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland's claims that Weiss possessed all the necessary authority, Weiss's attempts to press charges in the District of Columbia and Central District of California were rejected. This raises questions about why Weiss was denied the authority he needed and highlights a disturbing level of collusion between the Biden administration and the Department of Justice to protect their own.

The IRS whistleblowers made multiple attempts to raise concerns within the IRS and the Department of Justice prosecution team. Instead of being rewarded for their dedication to truth, they faced punishment, such as being passed over for promotions and encountering obstacles in their unrelated investigations. These whistleblowers deserve admiration for their bravery in coming forward and sharing their stories, despite the risks to their careers and reputations.

The preferential treatment received by Hunter Biden is unacceptable and would never have been granted to ordinary Americans. The American people have the right to know that, when it comes to criminal enforcement, they are not on an equal playing field with the wealthy and politically connected class. The Ways and Means Committee is legally entitled to receive the whistleblowers' testimony and share it with the House of Representatives. It is crucial that this information is brought to light and thoroughly investigated to ensure accountability for all parties involved.

Written by Staff Reports

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