
Israel Erases Thunberg from Schools Pro Palestinian Stance Sparks Outrage

Israel’s Ministry of Education has taken a bold step by removing all references to Greta Thunberg from school material. And honestly, it’s about time! This so-called environmental activist decided to show her true colors by posting a pro-Palestinian photo on social media. Can you believe it? Supporting a group that has caused so much harm and destruction!

Let’s get some context here. Just a few days before this incident, Hamas launched a brutal attack on Israel, leaving thousands dead, injured, and captured. It was a horrific event that shook the entire nation. And what does Thunberg do? She posts a picture of herself holding signs that say “Stand with Gaza” and “Free Palestine.” Seriously, Greta? Are you trying to be controversial just for the sake of it?

Yes, she later clarified that she was against the attacks by Hamas. But let’s not forget that it was Hamas who orchestrated this horrendous act in the first place. By aligning herself with a terrorist organization, Thunberg has proven that she is not fit to be an educational or moral role model. The Ministry of Education made the right decision in removing her from any position of influence over Israeli students.

But it’s not just the Ministry of Education who’s outraged. Over 100 Israeli climate activists condemned Thunberg’s actions, accusing her of taking the side of terrorists. And they’re absolutely right! She is siding with the enemies of Israel, the ones responsible for the murder of innocent Israelis, including children and the elderly. Thunberg should be ashamed of herself.

Even Israel’s official account on X didn’t hold back. They called out Thunberg’s hypocrisy, highlighting how Hamas doesn’t care about sustainability when it comes to their rockets. Those rockets have butchered innocent Israelis, and Thunberg should know better than to support such violence. If she truly cared about the environment, she would denounce Hamas and their destructive ways.

It’s a shame that someone who started off as a young climate activist has become so misguided and ignorant. Thunberg had the potential to make a positive impact, but she chose the wrong path. Thankfully, the Ministry of Education saw through her empty gestures and took the necessary action. Israel doesn’t need someone like Thunberg as an inspiration or educator. We need real leaders who stand against terrorism and support our country’s security.

So goodbye, Greta Thunberg. Your misguided actions have consequences, and in this case, it means being removed from the educational sphere in Israel. It’s time to learn from your mistakes and rethink the causes you associate yourself with.

Written by Staff Reports

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