
Israel Takes Bold Stand: Wages War Beyond Just Hamas

In a striking analogy, Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) draws a parallel between the relationship of Iran and Hamas and a neighborhood pet owner whose unleashed dog attacks someone. Just as society holds the owner accountable for letting the dog roam free, Israel’s main concern is dealing with the ferocity of Hamas, which Senator Cotton aptly refers to as the “attack dog of Iran.”

There is no doubt that Iran plays a significant role in the terrorist activities of Hamas. The US State Department has long recognized both Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist organizations, with the Trump administration further listing the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as an Iranian wing of terror. Funding, support, and instructions flow from Iran to these groups, solidifying their interconnectedness.

Iran openly declares its support for Hamas, praising their attacks against Israel. Iranian officials go as far as expressing a desire for the eradication of the “usurper Zionist regime.” It is disheartening to witness such vitriolic rhetoric from Iran, echoing the sentiments of history’s worst monsters, such as Adolph Hitler. These remarks serve as a chilling reminder of the deeply ingrained anti-Semitic beliefs held by Iran’s leadership.

Israel, with its enduring history of resilience, will undoubtedly seek vengeance for the lives lost to Hamas’ terror. This drive for justice and protection of its citizens is only natural for any nation. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that the trail of blood ultimately leads back to Iran. The Biden administration’s attempt to downplay Iran’s involvement in this attack fails to align with the facts on the ground.

The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board astutely notes that President Biden’s omission of the word “Iran” in his speech on the conflict between Hamas and Israel reveals a failure in his Iran strategy. The repercussions of nearly 12 years of pro-Iranian foreign policy, spanning both the Obama and Biden administrations, are becoming apparent. The world now faces the consequences of this misguided approach, epitomized by the 9/11-like attack on Israel.

While Israel focuses on clearing Gaza, the United States, Israel, and other nations are already contemplating the next steps, which eventually lead to Iran. Reports indicate that Iran and Hamas may be reconsidering their blatant support for this attack. As they realize the gravity of their actions, their objectives shift from the annihilation of Israel to self-preservation.

US Senator Marco Rubio spearheads the effort to uncover information about Iran’s nuclear program. A nuclear Iran significantly alters the dynamics of this situation, making it crucial to understand Iran’s nuclear intentions. Israel’s thirst for vengeance against both Hamas and Iran is understandable. Living with terrorists at their doorstep since 2005 has become unbearable. As the world grapples with the aftermath of this attack, it is evident that the next steps will not be insignificant.

While a full-blown world war seems unlikely, the potential for a larger conflict looms. A regional altercation, with Israel and Saudi Arabia directing their forces towards Iran, is a distinct possibility. The roles of the United States, Russia, and China in such a scenario will need to be determined. Iran’s unleashed dog, Hamas, has led to the expected consequences. Now, attention turns to the owner. One thing is certain – there will be consequences for Iran.

Written by Staff Reports

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