Hollywood actor and conservative James Woods is not one to shy away from criticizing the media when he feels that they are depriving the public of fair and honest reporting. In this instance, he called out Fox News for their sexist journalism practices, especially when it came to their recent report on Hunter Biden.
He’s called “Biden’s son,” but she’s dismissed as “ex-stripper.” This is journalistic sexism at its lowest. Why couldn’t the headline just as easily read, “Ex-crack addict dragged into court by mother of his child?” pic.twitter.com/9Fyr2yiMoB
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) June 17, 2023
In the article, Fox News delves into Biden’s ongoing battle with the mother of his 4-year-old child, Lunden Roberts. But despite the subject matter at hand, what caught Woods’ attention was the offensive and derogatory language used in the headline, which referred to Roberts as “ex-stripper” while Biden was simply called “Biden’s son.”
This type of journalistic sexism is unacceptable, according to Woods, who quipped that they could have just as easily called Biden a “crack addict” given his past struggles with addiction.
The real issue at hand, of course, is not how the media chooses to label the individuals involved in this case, but rather the fact that Hunter Biden is attempting to reduce his child support payments, despite a judge ruling with “near scientific certainty” that the child is his.
Woods also pointed out that if Hunter Biden weren’t part of the Washington elite, he would likely be in jail by now for his numerous missteps.
As for Fox News’ fixation on Roberts’ past as a stripper, Woods observes that this sordid detail has nothing to do with the matter at hand and does nothing to shine a light on Hunter Biden’s reprehensible behavior.
Overall, Woods’ message is clear: the media should stick to the facts and avoid assigning derogatory labels to those involved in a story, especially when doing so is irrelevant to the real issues at hand. In this case, that means focusing on the fact that Hunter Biden is neglecting his parenting duties and attempting to get out of paying what he owes to the mother of his child.
Source: Daily Fetched