
Jan 6 Prisoner Mystery: Silence Sparks Fear, Mom Calls for Justice!

The Daily Fetched has an incredibly distressing and concerning story today about a mother whose son has fallen silent in prison, leaving her desperate and with no answers. Lynda Davison’s son, Larry Brock Jr., is currently serving time after being indicted on six charges related to the events of January 6th. One of these charges carries a 20-year prison sentence, which is an incredibly harsh punishment for what the mainstream media would have us believe was merely a peaceful protest.

However, things have taken a turn for the worse since Larry’s imprisonment. He announced his intention to go on a hunger strike, and as a result, he has lost 30 pounds. His current health status is unknown, and his mother is understandably worried sick. To make matters even more distressing, Larry has not been able to contact his family for almost two weeks. Mrs. Davison recalls the moment when Larry unexpectedly stopped calling her, and her voice trembles with fear and emotion as she recounts the agonizing days of silence.

What is truly shocking is that Larry has been transferred to a supermax facility, where he is subjected to incredibly restrictive conditions. He can now only call his mother once a month, compared to the daily calls he was allowed before. Larry spends 23 hours a day alone in his cell and is no longer permitted to send or receive emails. Mrs. Davison has received no explanation for the sudden change in her son’s conditions, other than they have decided to put him under investigation. This is a clear violation of his constitutional rights and yet another example of the government’s overreach and abuse of power.

Even Larry’s attorney, Charles Burnham, is in the dark and unable to obtain any answers for Mrs. Davison. He has reached out to multiple contacts, but no one seems willing to provide any clarity on the situation. This lack of transparency is typical of the Bureau of Police and only serves to further infuriate and worry Mrs. Davison.

It is abundantly clear that Larry’s imprisonment is politically motivated and biased against conservatives. The sentencing judge gave him a harsher punishment than the government even requested, and it’s clear that he is being treated unfairly. The corruption within the U.S. attorney’s department and the judiciary in Washington, D.C. is appalling. They are all part of the same liberal agenda and are denying conservative Americans their rights.

This story is a stark reminder of the injustice and corruption that is plaguing our country. It is incredibly disheartening to hear Mr. Davison’s words of despair as he compares the current state of affairs to the regimes of China and Russia. This is not the America we know and love, and we must fight to restore justice and protect the rights of all citizens.

Written by Staff Reports

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