
Jayapal Dodges on Hamas Atrocities: Left’s Silence Exposed!

Earlier today, news broke that Democrat Rep. Pramila Jayapal once again demonstrated her outrageous double standards when it comes to condemning sexual violence. During a heated exchange with CNN host Dana Bash, Jayapal tried to sidestep the issue and redirect the conversation, despite facing tough questioning about the progressive Left’s silence on the mass rape of Israeli women by Hamas terrorists. Even CNN’s Bianna Golodryga and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz chimed in to call out Jayapal’s refusal to condemn Hamas’ appalling actions. It’s no surprise that Jayapal’s selective outrage conveniently ignores the atrocities committed by Hamas.

Shannon Watts of Moms Demand also highlighted the stark difference between Israel and Hamas, particularly how the latter intentionally planned and executed mass rapes among innocent civilians. It’s clear that the progressive Left’s reluctance to speak out against these heinous acts is deeply troubling. Meanwhile, the Left’s silence on Hamas’ intentional targeting of civilians and use of human shields is equally alarming. It’s evident that the progressive Left’s skewed priorities prioritize sympathy for terrorists over standing up for the victims of Hamas’s brutality.

Additionally, even a liberal publication like Slate has questioned the silence of women in the face of Israelis being brutalized by Hamas. The glaring lack of support for the Israeli victims of sexual assault further underscores the progressive Left’s pro-terrorist and antisemitic tendencies. It’s time for the Left to abandon their hypocritical silence and unequivocally condemn the despicable actions of Hamas. The victims of Hamas’ atrocities deserve unwavering support and vocal condemnation of such reprehensible behavior.

Written by Staff Reports

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