
Jewish Crowd in NY Gives RFK Jr. Rockstar Welcome!

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the Democratic presidential candidate, received a standing ovation from a Jewish audience in New York City after addressing his support for the Jewish community and the State of Israel. The event, hosted by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, had to be moved to a different venue after the New York Society for Ethical Culture backed out. This came after a controversy where Kennedy made comments that were mistaken as anti-Semitic, but he clarified that he was referring to a scientific study, not disparaging Jews. It’s clear that Kennedy has garnered support from his Jewish friends who know he isn’t an anti-Semite. He even shared a humorous comment from Larry David about using the word “Jew” that got a laugh from the audience.

During the event, Kennedy was asked about his meeting with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and his need to challenge Farrakhan’s anti-Semitic rhetoric. Kennedy explained that his meeting with Farrakhan was in the context of his work on environmental toxins affecting children in the black community. He also mentioned that he has met with Sirhan Sirhan, the Palestinian radical who assassinated his father. Kennedy stated that he believes in redemption and healing divisions.

Kennedy expressed his support for Israel, noting that it is the only country in the Middle East that grants complete freedom of religion to all faiths. He commended Israel for its military mission in the Palestinian town of Jenin, where they risked the lives of their own soldiers to confront terrorists instead of bombing the area. He criticized the Palestinians’ “pay to slay” policy, which provides stipends to Palestinian terrorists in Israeli prisons and benefits to their families. Kennedy also discussed the history of Israel, emphasizing that the country has repeatedly negotiated with Palestinians and made concessions for peace.

The audience applauded as Kennedy highlighted the double standard of judging Israel by different standards than other nations with worse human rights records, calling it a form of anti-Semitism. Rabbi Boteach praised Kennedy’s support for Israel and called out Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Rep. Josh Gottheimer, fellow Democrats who have criticized Kennedy. Boteach challenged them to endorse Kennedy’s remarks or apologize for smearing him as an anti-Semite.

Despite some anti-Israel protesters and a heckler, the event was well-received, with Kennedy receiving frequent applause and standing ovations. Overall, it was a successful night for Kennedy as he continued to gain support and address important issues.

Written by Staff Reports

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