
Jewish Rep Ditches DeSantis for Trump: Antisemitism Fight Falls Short!

In a shocking turn of events, Florida Rep. Randy Fine, the lone Jewish Republican legislator in the state, has ditched his support for Governor Ron DeSantis and shifted his allegiance to the one and only, former President Donald Trump. The reason for this sudden change of heart? Well, apparently, Fine believes that DeSantis hasn’t done enough to combat antisemitism. Oy vey!

In an op-ed, Fine vented his frustration, claiming that DeSantis has been all talk and no action when it comes to honoring the Jewish community. According to Fine, it took longer for DeSantis to commemorate the six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust than it did for the Allies to stop the deaths of another six million. Talk about dragging your feet!

And that’s not all, folks. Fine goes on to reveal that a bunch of “Nazi friends” showed up in Florida a year and a half ago, causing mayhem and terrorizing the Jewish community. These “friends” went as far as assaulting a Rabbi, beating up a Jew who dared to talk back, and hanging abhorrent banners advocating for the gassing of Jews. And guess what? DeSantis, the supposed defender of Florida, did next to nothing to squash these acts of hatred. Shameful!

In the lovefest Fine orchestrated for Trump, he praises the ex-president for actually taking action, not just spewing empty words. According to Fine, Trump was a man of his word. He moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, green-lit the annexation of the Golan Heights, and even signed the acclaimed Abraham Accords. Now, that’s what Fine calls leadership!

Of course, DeSantis’ campaign wasn’t about to let Fine’s betrayal slide. They fired back, claiming that the governor has been a warrior in the fight against antisemitism. They argue that DeSantis played a pivotal role in moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem and has consistently protected the Jewish community in Florida, whether it’s through increased security or taking a stand against Iran. They even point out how DeSantis rescued over 700 Americans stranded overseas while Biden twiddled his thumbs. Take that, Fine!

In the end, it seems like Fine’s decision to abandon ship has more to do with his personal admiration for Trump than any concrete policy differences. DeSantis may not be perfect (who is?), but he has shown time and time again that he’s a true ally of Israel and the Jewish community. So, sorry Fine, but your Trump-obsessed flip-flopping won’t make a dent in DeSantis’ solid conservative record. Keep dreaming!

Written by Staff Reports

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