
Jill Abramson Slams Media for Covering Up Biden’s Cognitive Decline

In a scathing op-ed on Semafor, former NY Times Editor Jill Abramson takes aim at the White House Press Corps for their failure to uncover the truth about Joe Biden’s mental condition. Abramson blasts the media for their complicity in covering up the extent of President Biden’s feebleness and physical decline, which was starkly evident during a recent debate.

Abramson pulls no punches as she points out the glaring lack of accountability in journalism, emphasizing the duty to cut through White House smoke screens and reveal the truth. She squarely places the blame on the press corps for failing to penetrate the veil of secrecy surrounding the President’s health, calling it a massive cover-up orchestrated by the Biden administration.

While Abramson’s critique is sharp, it’s not a failure of journalism per se, but a deliberate lack of effort driven by media bias and ideological motives. She highlights the absence of renowned journalists and outlets in addressing Biden’s condition over the past few years, except when it served to criticize Donald Trump. 


The op-ed questions the credibility of the press and the White House for continuously deceiving the public, especially regarding Biden’s debate performance. It calls out the Democrats for now trying to downplay the reality of Biden’s struggles, emphasizing that the reports are accurate and not exaggerated.

Abramson’s piece praises her for finally speaking the truth but questions the timing of her revelation, urging media outlets to have been more forthcoming earlier. The op-ed serves as a reminder to seek alternative sources of information and not rely solely on mainstream media for accurate reporting.

Written by Staff Reports

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