
Jill Biden Takes the Reins: Fulfilling Presidential Duties in Kansas?

In 2020, Joe Biden used the pandemic as an excuse to avoid the rigors of campaigning. I mean, come on Joe, isn’t that just a little bit convenient? But it seems like he’s up to his old tricks again in 2024, relying more and more on his wife, Jill, to do the legwork for him. It’s like he’s outsourcing the campaigning while he sits back and takes it easy.

Jill Biden has been jetting off all over the place to support her husband’s lackluster campaign. She’s been hitting up some pretty ritzy locations like Beverly Hills and Seattle – not exactly the working-class strongholds that Biden claims to speak for. But hey, who needs the working class when you’ve got Hollywood elites and left-wing tech moguls, am I right?

Next up on Jill’s campaign tour is Kansas City, where she’ll be gracing the good people of Missouri with her presence. She’ll be stopping by the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Museum, because nothing says “strong, steady leadership” like invoking the name of a dead president, right? But hey, maybe she’ll get a chance to talk about education while she’s there. After all, she is a “doctor” of education, whatever that means.

Jill Biden has really been playing up her role as her husband’s surrogate. She’s been going on and on about the dangers of a Trump victory, sounding the alarm and trying to scare donors into opening their wallets. I guess when your husband’s message is so weak, you have to resort to fearmongering tactics. But hey, at least she’s being feisty about it, right?

It’s almost like Jill is the one running for president instead of her doddering husband. I mean, Sleepy Joe can barely make it through a campaign stop without taking a nap, let alone give a coherent speech. But I guess he made an appearance in Michigan for a whole 87 seconds, so that’s something, I guess. Meanwhile, Trump is out there speaking for 90 minutes plus. How is Biden going to keep up with that? Maybe he should take a few pointers from his wife on stamina and energy, because he’s going to need it if he wants to stand a chance against Trump.

Written by Staff Reports

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