
Jim Jordan Exposes Big Banks’ Privacy Violations: Bank of America & Citibank on the Hot Seat!

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) is not one to back down when it comes to defending the rights of American citizens. That’s why he’s on a mission to uncover the truth behind the alleged privacy violations committed by big banks like Citibank and Bank of America. Jordan has bravely issued a subpoena to Citibank after the bank failed to hand over requested documents. It seems that Citibank might have turned over information on their customers in the D.C. area on January 6, 2021, without any legal process.

Now, I’m no legal expert, but doesn’t that sound like a major violation of privacy? It’s like the banks are playing their own version of “Big Brother.” Jordan is absolutely right to demand answers and hold these financial institutions accountable. It’s high time someone stood up for the rights of ordinary Americans who were just going about their business in the nation’s capital.

What’s even more alarming is that Jordan has learned that Bank of America, another banking giant, voluntarily gave the FBI a list of individuals who made transactions in the D.C. area during that same time period. And get this, folks: if you’ve ever bought a firearm with a Bank of America product, you were automatically bumped to the top of that list. Talk about discrimination against law-abiding gun owners!

It’s no wonder Jordan has his sights set on Citibank now. He discovered that a Citibank representative was present during a Zoom call organized by the FBI after January 6. If that doesn’t raise some eyebrows, I don’t know what will. It suggests that there may have been some behind-the-scenes collaboration between Citibank and law enforcement, all without the proper legal process.

Now, I may just be a humble writer, but I believe in something called the Fourth Amendment. It protects us from unreasonable searches and seizures, but it seems like the banks have forgotten all about it. They’re more interested in cozying up to the government and trampling on our rights. It’s disgraceful, and it’s time we put a stop to it.

Thankfully, Jordan isn’t sitting idly by. In a recent interview, he hinted at legislation that would give these banks a taste of their own medicine. They need to know that violating the privacy of their customers is not only morally wrong, but it’s also illegal. We need elected officials like Jordan who are willing to fight tooth and nail to protect our rights. So, let’s rally behind him and demand justice for the American people!

Written by Staff Reports

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