
Jim Jordan Exposes White House Secrets & Biden’s Plot Against Trump!

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) is not one to back down from holding the Biden administration accountable. In a bold move, Jordan sent letters to both Chief of Staff Jeff Zients and Attorney General Merrick Garland expressing his deep concerns about the alarming revelations that Special Counsel Jack Smith’s office had secret meetings with White House officials just weeks before he indicted Donald Trump. Now, why on earth would the special counsel be cozying up to the White House? Well, it just so happens that Trump is likely to be President Biden’s opponent in the 2024 election. Coincidence? I think not.

The letters, first leaked to The New York Post, shed light on a meeting that took place on May 31, 2023, between Jay Bratt of the special counsel team, Caroline Saba from the White House counsel’s office, and FBI Agent Danielle Ray. Just a week later, on June 8, Trump was indicted for his handling of classified documents. Seems a bit fishy, doesn’t it? Chairman Jordan wasted no time in calling out the potential coordination between the Department of Justice and the White House to go after Biden’s political opponents. And who can blame him? We’ve seen this movie before, folks.

But the plot thickens. Jordan’s letters also bring up previous concerns about Bratt’s conduct, specifically his alleged pressure on a lawyer representing an employee of President Trump. According to reports, Bratt insinuated that the lawyer’s application for a judgeship would be better received if his client cooperated with Trump’s prosecution. This is a clear abuse of power and a blatant attempt to strongarm individuals into turning against the former president. It’s no wonder Chairman Jordan is questioning the impartiality of Smith’s investigation.

Let’s not forget the bigger picture here. The Biden administration and their Democratic cronies have been trying to sell the American people a fairy tale about the Department of Justice being independent and free from political influence. Well, if that’s the case, then why is President Biden expressing his frustration with Attorney General Garland for not going after Trump with the same vengeance that he desires? It seems like the only ones buying this narrative are the ones peddling it.

In his letters, Chairman Jordan not only raises valid concerns but also calls for transparency. He demands that all records and materials related to Bratt’s meetings and visits to the White House be preserved. And do you know what’s due by September 12, 2023? That’s right, the documents and communications relating to Bratt’s White House escapades and the investigation and prosecution of Special Counsel Smith. The truth must come out, and Chairman Jordan is on a mission to uncover it.

But that’s not all. Not content with just one letter, Chairman Jordan, along with House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO), fired off another letter to Attorney General Garland. This time, they’re demanding answers about U.S. Attorney David Weiss and his special counsel status. There seems to be some confusion about Weiss’s authority in bringing charges against Hunter Biden for tax and gun charges. Garland and Weiss need to get their act together and provide some clarity.

The bottom line is that Chairman Jordan is not playing games. He’s doing what any responsible representative should do – holding those in power accountable and seeking the truth. The American people deserve transparency and fairness, and it’s refreshing to see someone like Chairman Jordan fighting for these values. Let’s hope his efforts lead to a real investigation, not a politically motivated witch hunt.

Written by Staff Reports

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