
Joe Scarborough Has MELTDOWN Over Trump Town Hall Event

Joe Scarborough, a well-known MSNBC host, had a meltdown yesterday over a CNN town hall featuring former President Donald Trump. He called it “disgraceful” and went on to catastrophize the entire situation. Scarborough claimed that he keeps drilling down deeper and deeper into his base, and now it is dangerous. But let’s be real here; Scarborough is just a liberal snowflake and cannot handle that Trump is still loved by the American people.

During the CNN town hall, Trump clarified a social media post on the Constitution and called out the need for spending cuts. He also addressed the 2020 election and clashed with the host, Kaitlan Collins, which is something many of us were hoping for. But Scarborough’s snowflake sensibilities could not handle the American people’s love for Trump.

Scarborough continued to discuss the shocking audacity of the audience that cheered for Trump. Scarborough claimed the audience disregarded the woman who a jury found had been sexually assaulted, laughed at cops getting beaten, and even turned over Ukraine to Russia in one night. Scarborough was astonished that people still support Trump.

The Morning Consult poll released Tuesday showed Trump leading Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida. Trump had garnered support from 60% of the 3,574 potential Republican primary voters, while DeSantis received the support of only 19%. Looks like the media’s portrayal of Trump losing support is once again inaccurate.

In summary, Scarborough just cannot handle the fact that Trump is still loved by many Americans and still has a hold on the conservative base. Scarborough must wake up to the realization that it is disgraceful he is still forcing his left-leaning views on the American people.

Written by Staff Reports

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