
Judge Slams Biden’s Censorship, Vindicates Free Speech on Independence Day

In a glorious victory for free speech, a federal judge in Louisiana has slapped down the Biden administration and multiple federal agencies, putting an end to their attempts to suppress and censor content on social media platforms. This preliminary injunction is the result of a lawsuit filed by the states of Missouri and Louisiana, along with esteemed critics of the Covid-19 lockdown regime, Martin Kulldorff from Harvard and Jay Bhattacharya from Stanford, and the valiant owner of the Gateway Pundit, Jim Hoft.

US District Judge Terry A Doughty, in a stunning display of common sense, wrote, “If the allegations made by plaintiffs are true, the present case arguably involves the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history.” Well, it’s about time someone recognized the suppressive tactics of the Biden administration for what they are!

Speaking of patriotic timing, the judge issued this injunction on Independence Day, making it even more fitting. This ruling is a perfect reminder of the resilience of the American experiment and the boundless possibilities of freedom. Happy Independence Day indeed!

So, who exactly is held accountable by this injunction? Well, it includes none other than President Joe Biden himself, as well as the White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. But the list doesn’t stop there. The FDA, CDC, Treasury Department, State Department, Election Assistance Commission, FBI, Justice Department, and the Department of Health and Human Services are all included. It’s like a who’s who of government overreach!

But let’s not forget the heroes at the center of this battle: Bhattacharya and Kulldorff. These brave individuals have suffered the unjust consequences of social media censorship simply for expressing their opinions. Can you believe it? They dared to question the narrative, asserting that not everyone needs to be vaccinated and that natural immunity might actually be stronger. These are legitimate scientific debates that deserve to be heard, but instead, they were silenced by the oppressive forces of Big Tech.

And this case goes beyond just Covid-19. It also encompasses the Justice Department’s desperate attempts to suppress reporting from the New York Post about Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop before the 2020 election. The government colluding with Big Tech to muzzle dissenting voices is a shocking revelation. I mean, what happened to freedom of the press?

Judge Doughty recognized the dystopian nature of these actions, describing the US government’s behavior as similar to an Orwellian “Ministry of Truth.” He exposed the evidence of government coercion and pressure on social media companies to comply with their demands. The White House defendants made it abundantly clear what content they wanted suppressed, and it seems social media companies caved under the weight of the most powerful office in the world.

This injunction now prevents agencies and individuals from contacting social media platforms to pressure them into removing or censoring content that involves protected free speech. It upholds the core principle of the First Amendment, that the government cannot stifle ideas simply because they are deemed offensive or disagreeable by society. It’s a victory for liberty, a blow against censorship, and a reminder that our rights are worth fighting for.

Of course, leave it to The New York Times and their ilk to paint this ruling as dangerous and shielding “disinformation.” The mainstream media has become a weapon in the hands of the state, advocating for unified state/corporate censorship. It’s a surreal and deeply troubling state of affairs but one that we conservatives will continue to challenge.

In the end, this injunction serves as a powerful rebuke to the Biden administration’s attempts to control the narrative and silence dissent. It’s a victory for truth, free speech, and the American spirit. We must cherish these wins and continue to protect our fundamental freedoms from those who seek to undermine them.

Source: Daily Fetched

Written by Staff Reports

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