
Justice Department Battles Musk: Claims of SpaceX Discrimination Explode!

In a shocking revelation, the Justice Department has accused SpaceX of discriminating against asylum seekers and refugees in its hiring practices. The department claims that between September 2018 and May 2022, the space company systematically discouraged individuals with asylum or refugee status from applying for jobs and failed to consider them for employment, all because of their citizenship status. According to the government’s allegations, SpaceX even went as far as falsely claiming that it was restricted by export control laws to only hire US citizens and lawful permanent residents.

But that’s not all. The Justice Department also pointed out SpaceX’s eccentric CEO, Elon Musk, and his social media posts as evidence of “discriminatory public statements.” They specifically cited a tweet where Musk stated that US law required a green card for employment at SpaceX due to rockets being “advanced weapons technology.” Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.

It’s clear that the Justice Department is on a mission to hold SpaceX accountable for its actions. Kristen Clarke, the U.S. Assistant Attorney General for the Justice Department’s civil rights division, minced no words when she declared that SpaceX had implemented a hiring ban against asylum seekers and refugees, which is a clear violation of federal law. She also revealed that the department is demanding that SpaceX provide full backpay to those who were unfairly screened out or not hired because of their status.

I have to say, this lawsuit against SpaceX is well-deserved. Discrimination should have no place in our society, and that includes our workplaces. It’s disappointing to see a company like SpaceX, which is known for its cutting-edge technology and innovation, engage in such unfair practices. Hopefully, this lawsuit will not only bring justice to those affected but also send a strong message that discrimination will not be tolerated.

Written by Staff Reports

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