
Kamala Harris Campaign Blunders With Plagiarized Policy Proposals

Kamala Harris’s campaign recently rolled out an “Issues” page, but it seems they might have some self-ageing to do concerning its contents. After months of keeping voters in the dark about her policy intentions, this late revelation could only suggest one thing: a desperate attempt to mask the reality of her liberal agenda. Instead of a fresh vision for Americans, what did she deliver? A copy-and-paste job featuring a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants slapped right alongside President Joe Biden’s recycled proposals.

Critics are scratching their heads, trying to decipher how a campaign that desperately needed to gain momentum could bank on 99% of its platform being borrowed material. Harris’s big idea of offering voters a “new way forward” seems more like a detour down the well-trodden path of political plagiarism. The keyword here is “plagiarism” since sections of her policy closely mimic language directly taken from Biden’s campaign materials. Nothing says originality quite like a little textual déjà vu.

The embarrassing blunders don’t end there. Numerous observers quickly discovered metadata on her website that will make any tech-savvy voter chuckle. It contained explicit calls for re-electing Joe Biden, suggesting Harris’s campaign isn’t just echoing his policies but is also quite literally in his corner. This ghostwriter approach may delight college students cramming for essays, but in a national campaign, it reveals a glaring incompetence that leaves voters wondering if they are getting anything new at all. 


The irony of this situation is rich, given the Harris campaign’s aim of drumming up excitement among Democrat voters who are growing increasingly disillusioned. It doesn’t help that her issues page is not only repetitive but also filled with grandiose autobiographical claims that apparently don’t withstand scrutiny. Harris might want to reconsider her route if she expects Americans to hop aboard her Biden-lite train.

While many Democrats hoped this launch would bring some buzz around her candidacy, it’s safe to say it has sparked more facepalms than applause. With eyes on the presidential election, Kamala Harris will need much more than borrowed rhetoric to convince voters she is not just an updated version of the administration they may already be tired of. If she’s not cautious, she might just trip over her own campaign narrative as it, quite ironically, tries to take flight.

Written by Staff Reports

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