
Kamala Harris: Dems’ 2024 Disaster? Elder’s Prediction Debunked!

The elections of 2024 are once again generating headlines, and people are already making predictions and offering advice. However, conservative commentator Larry Elder may be off target in this instance. Larry asserts that if Joe Biden cannot even obscure a mirror, Kamala Harris will be the nominee. While I respect Larry's insights, I must respectfully disagree. Kamala Harris may have substantial support among black electors, but this will not guarantee her nomination or electoral success. Her public approval ratings are somewhere between crabgrass and toenail fungus, and her supervisor, President Biden, is doing even worse. In 2024, Kamala Harris is a hindrance to the Democrats' chances. Simply put, she is unqualified for the position, and her rise to political prominence in California is cause for grave concern. Media entities affiliated with the Democrats have been ringing the alarm about her for some time.

Former Hawaii Representative Tulsi Gabbard, known for her enigmatic nature, also weighs in. She asserts that Democrats intend to "install" Harris as president by first supporting Biden and then convincing him to resign. Gabbard believes Harris will serve as the Democratic Establishment's mouthpiece. Sadly, vulnerability is the distinguishing trait of the Biden administration. Biden appears to be a victim of elder abuse and is a complete failure. Harris was selected as his campaign companion not due to her qualifications or abilities, but because she satisfied the diversity criterion. She was eliminated in the 2020 Democratic primary.

As much as I despise giving the Democrats advice, I must suggest they find an entirely new ticket for 2024. Not Gavin Newsom, Pete Buttigieg, or anyone else who has failed to administer their respective states or oversee federal agencies. Consider Joe Manchin if the Democrats wish to restore their party to its center-left position. However, he does not appear to be interested in the position, and he is presently fighting for his political survival in West Virginia. The wisest course of action at this time would be to encourage additional candidates to challenge the Biden/Harris tandem in the Democratic primary. It is still early, and a vigorous primary season could assist in eliminating unqualified candidates. Keeping Kamala Harris on the ballot because she appeals to a small portion of the population will not alter the fact that she is a poor candidate.

Overall, it is evident that Kamala Harris is not the 2024 Democratic nominee. They must identify a leader who can effectively inspire the confidence of the American people. However, as a firm believer in allowing my opponents to make fatal errors, perhaps they should stay with their current ticket and see what transpires. Grab some popcorn and let's watch the show!

Written by Staff Reports

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