
Kamala Harris’ Desperation Tour Hits New Hampshire as Polls Tighten Ahead of 2024 Election

New Hampshire’s name has been getting tossed around like a hot potato by liberal outlets recently, creating all sorts of hysteria over its supposed significance in the upcoming election. For those unfamiliar, this state has never really fit the mold of a solid battleground. Sure, Trump supporters can be found rallying like it’s the pre-game show for the Super Bowl, but the reality is, Democrats typically stroll their way to victory in the Granite State. While Trump has made it clear he’d love to carry New Hampshire in the 2024 election, he’s wise enough to know that it’s the Keystone State that will truly decide the outcome.

Now, enter Vice President Kamala Harris, who, in a move that screams desperation, decided to dart over to New Hampshire for a campaign event. Rumor has it they sent out buses to fetch supporters, spouting the classic liberal playbook strategy: when in doubt, fabricate enthusiasm. One might wonder why Harris felt the need to whip out the charm in a state she’s supposedly meant to dominate. Perhaps the whispers about her campaign’s internal polling are starting to sound more like sirens, prompting her to hit the infamous “panic button.” Not even her allies seem convinced, and Politico is left awkwardly trying to sell the narrative that New Hampshire is just more evidence of Trump’s dwindling chances.

The comedy doesn’t stop there. A trio of polls has Harris climbing ahead of Trump in New Hampshire, and she thought it’d be a grand idea to showcase her tax plans for small businesses at a brewery. Can there be a funnier way to lure in votes than by mixing politics with beer? But one can’t help but ask the million-dollar question: why is she so focused on New Hampshire if it’s all wrapped up in her favor? The reality is clear — Republican strategists are scratching their heads as they witness the lack of investment in the state’s ground game. It’s like watching a football team decide to play the last quarter without even showing up.

It’s no wonder Trump’s campaign is battening down the hatches. While Harris might be painting a rosy picture, Trump’s robust support, underscored by his past primary victories in the state, is anything but forgotten. The president’s team claims they’re still making moves in New Hampshire, despite the state having more Democratic field offices than a candidate could shake a stick at. His campaign mantra seems to be, “We’ve got the grassroots covered; why bother flooding the field?”

Political observers from both sides can’t quite figure out why Harris is now fluttering about in New Hampshire, spending what little time she has left on campaigns instead of, say, focusing on states that actually matter like Michigan, North Carolina, or Nevada. It seems the most likely reason for her intrusion is related to fundraising — the age-old liberal tactic. A quick stop in a state that’s politically irrelevant but close enough to draw attention from neighboring markets could do wonders for her donor list.

So, instead of framing the narrative around Trump’s so-called “shrinking map,” perhaps it would serve the media well to consider how Harris’s internal numbers look less than stellar, prompting her to pull out all the stops in the Granite State. All indications suggest that while the left is spinning stories of doom and gloom for Trump, it’s really Harris who seems to be the one clutching her lucky rabbit’s foot in search of good luck.

Written by Staff Reports

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