
Kamala Harris Dodges Key Issues as Early Voting Looms in North Carolina

The countdown to the election is in full swing, and with early voting just around the corner in North Carolina, one must wonder what Vice President Kamala Harris has to say for herself. Mail-in ballots are set to hit mailboxes shortly, and as the voting landscape shifts, fewer Americans will show up on Election Day. More than ever, it seems like voters are ready to pull the lever before they even hear the candidates debate. Early October might very well be the moment when the results are set in stone, leaving Harris with little room to maneuver.

The Vice President’s decision to dodge traditional press interactions only highlights her desire to avoid talking about real issues. It appears she thinks one debate is sufficient to sell her agenda, presumably to keep her supporters engaged without needing to delve into substance. Instead of engaging with the public, it feels like Harris prefers to read answers off prepared notes—after all, who needs authenticity when you can press a few buttons on a modified teleprompter?

A troubling aspect of the Harris campaign is her apparent confidence in winning just by being an identity. She banks on her status as a Black female leader to maintain an “untouchable” image while relying on friendly media outlets to keep the narrative favorable. Unlike Biden, who famously utilized the pandemic as a convenient excuse for his absence, Harris has taken it a step further by pretending there aren’t any pressing issues to address. The question is, when will someone step up to challenge her on these critical topics?

A laundry list of interview questions has been circulating, questioning everything from her stance on statehood for D.C. to the bizarre idea of taxing unrealized capital gains. These are legitimate concerns that the average American wants answers to, yet Harris seems to be waiting for the election to pass before getting backed into a corner. Any conversation about eliminating private health care or her shifting views on immigration deserves a spotlight before ballots are cast.

The inconsistency in her positions is staggering, especially when it comes to her previous opposition to border wall construction. Now that the political winds are shifting, she suddenly finds a need for a wall. The inflation crisis caused by reckless spending under the Democrats cannot be ignored, especially when past Economists of the Obama era point fingers at excessive fiscal policies, suggesting an upscale in government programs is the last thing the nation needs. Harris hasn’t exactly invited scrutiny on her past as a prosecutor, nor has she offered insight into her role when the Biden administration withdrew from Afghanistan—a catastrophe with ramifications still being felt today.

Returning to the subject of Harris’s agenda would round it all off. With a past embracing policies that some say infringe upon basic freedoms and a convention that offered free abortions alongside a truckload of vasectomies, one has to wonder if she has truly thought through the impact of such positions in her own life. Celebrating abortion like it’s an Olympic sport only offers up a multitude of pressing questions, none of which Harris seems eager to address before the election hits. If one thing is clear, it’s that voters have more than enough reasons to demand accountability before they cue up to cast their ballots.

Written by Staff Reports

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