
Kamala Harris Hires Brother-in-Law Who Defended American Taliban for Campaign Team

Kamala Harris seems to have entered the world of political recruiting with a policy more reminiscent of a high school musical audition than a serious presidential campaign. The entry requirements for those interested in working on her campaign might as well be a simple “Show up, and you’re hired,” especially if your last name happens to be West. Enter Tony West, Harris’ brother-in-law and legal counsel extraordinaire — known not for fighting crime, but for defending the so-called “American Taliban.” If there’s a roadmap for political circular firing squads, it starts right here.

Tony West’s illustrious career mostly involves working for Morrison & Foerster, a law firm that gained notoriety for providing legal services to folks digging their own graves, like those engaging with terrorist organizations. He’s made a name defending John Walker Lindh, a man who once got to live out every American tourist’s worst nightmare by being captured in Afghanistan while being fully engaged in activities like bartending for the Taliban and plotting against his own country. Not to mention, Lindh’s talent for conspiracy to commit murder hardly qualifies him for the “Gentleman of the Year” award.

In a splendid show of irony, Harris seems to have signaled that individuals with a penchant for shielding alleged threats to American lives are just the ticket to her campaign. It raises eyebrows wondering what sorts of scandals she’ll need protecting from next — perhaps a junior staffer accidentally using a plastic straw? Tony West has gotten so cozy in this role that it begs the question, what is Harris looking for in an advisor? A resume that boasts “Defended the indefensible” or “Expert in creating legal loopholes” seems like a winning ticket.

Making matters even more delightful, the Biden-Harris administration finds itself knee-deep in its own quagmire with a now-scrapped plea deal for individuals linked to the 9/11 attacks, which would have let death sentences float away like a balloon in the wind. A savvy political move, considering how much their public image could use a gentle nudge away from “incompetent” towards “someone we wouldn’t have to apologize for.” It’s precisely this kind of juggling act that Harris’ novel recruiting policies seem ready for.

In another spectacular twist, the campaign also saw the addition of David Plouffe, the mastermind behind Obama’s rise to glory — or, depending on perspective, turbulence. With individuals like West and Plouffe joining her team, it appears that the only real requirements to get on Harris’ campaign are a willingness to defend the indefensible and an understanding that the phrase “less is more” doesn’t apply when it comes to ethics. While the GOP continues to crank out candidates with experience and a sense of right, Harris and her band of merry conspirators are busy redefining what it means to “run” a campaign. Who needs qualifications when you’ve got relatives with messy backstories and a penchant for drama?

Written by Staff Reports

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