
Kamala Harris McDonald’s Story Fails Fact-Check Raises Skepticism

While Kamala Harris was busy positioning herself as a working-class hero during her 2019 presidential campaign, a curious detail emerged about her past: she allegedly flipped burgers at McDonald’s. Given that this claim came after two decades of political life and the release of two autobiographies—which somehow failed to mention her supposed time in the fast-food trenches—it’s hard not to raise an eyebrow at this sudden revelation. It’s like finding out that a Hollywood star has been moonlighting as a barista while they were grinding out blockbuster hits.

In a particularly cringe-worthy moment on Drew Barrymore’s daytime talk show, Harris enthusiastically confirmed her alleged McDonald’s gig, showcasing her culinary finesse in both fries and cash register duties. One wonders if Barrymore was merely fishing for the juicy gossip at the time or if she genuinely did not expect a senator to respond with tales of ketchup packets and drive-thru orders. Given the timing, it’s almost as if the McDonald’s narrative was tailored to avoid scrutiny during her faltering campaign.

Fast forward to the current election cycle, and it appears Harris has picked up where she left off, with her campaign touting the burger-flipping anecdote as part of her humble beginnings. Allegedly, the job was to pay her way through college, but reports suggest it might have just been a summer side hustle for extra dough—not exactly the working-class saga she’s selling the voters. This slight twist leaves a bitter aftertaste, especially when one considers how often campaign staffers seem to write the candidate’s backstory as a last-minute addition, much like a rushed Oscar acceptance speech.

Recently, the Washington Free Beacon dove deep into the mystery of whether Harris ever donned that iconic cap and apron. The investigation yielded no real proof—a curious lack of anything even close to confirmation from either Harris’s past or present. The Free Beacon noted that, while it’s theoretically possible she worked at a McDonald’s in the early ’80s, the absence of verifiable records has raised significant skepticism. It’s also quite the oversight that Harris didn’t include this “pivotal” experience in her law school application, where she was requested to detail her past jobs. Instead, she opted to list a brief clerical job instead of mentioning greasy fries and happy meals. Perhaps she just couldn’t find a way to tie in her culinary experience with “extensive life travels.”

Adding to the intrigue, major liberal outlets like Politico and the New York Times reported on her McDonald’s background with an uncanny lack of rigor for fact-checking. In a time when scrutiny should be at an all-time high, it’s shocking—not really—that Democrats get a free pass while details about a candidate’s past are swept under the rug. If Harris feels comfortable fabricating tales of her working-class roots, what confidence should voters have about her handling issues that truly matter, like national security and fiscal responsibility?

Democrats have perfected the art of narrative-spinning; if they can’t find a compelling story, they create one. Whether or not Kamala Harris ever donned that golden arched uniform may ultimately matter less than the fact that she’s willing to toss around dubious claims in her quest for office. It’s a classic example of “if it sounds good, sell it.” With Harris now back in the presidential spotlight, one can only hope she brushes up on her storytelling—or, more importantly, her policy knowledge—because the American public deserves more than a side of fast-food fantasy.

Written by Staff Reports

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