
Kamala Harris: Self-Sabotage and Her Bumpy Road to 2024!

Kamala Harris, known for her bad decisions and disastrous 2020 Presidential run, was recently interviewed by Politico’s Eugene Daniels. Surprisingly, Daniels managed to ignore Harris’s incompetence and lack of articulation. Backstage before a “fireside chat” on gun safety, Harris appeared unscripted and at ease, without any notes or teleprompters. She offered condolences and counsel to those affected by gun violence, comforting them with gentle reassurance. But despite the attention she receives, it’s no secret that Harris doesn’t excel in public speaking. In fact, she might be one of the worst speakers in political history, with or without a teleprompter. She has a knack for creating word salads that leave listeners confused and frustrated. However, Harris seems unfazed by her poor communication skills, stating that she’s always been this way.

This statement perfectly captures Harris’s main problem: she cannot understand why people have a negative perception of her. Well, it’s quite simple really. Harris’s career has been filled with preferential treatment and fawning media coverage, yet she faltered when faced with a real challenge during her presidential campaign. She was chosen as Joe Biden’s running mate not for her abilities, but primarily due to her gender and skin color. Despite the hope that Harris’s rocky past is behind her, there’s little evidence to suggest that she has improved over time. Her team is now making efforts to show a different side of her, one overshadowed by the toxic elements of Washington, D.C. However, Harris is still seen as a monumental liability, even by liberal-aligned outlets. Her insincerity, poor public speaking, and inability to connect with ordinary Americans make her an ineffective candidate. If the Democrats want to have a shot at the White House in 2024, both Harris and Biden need to step aside.

Written by Staff Reports

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