
Kamala Harris Struggles to Retain Black Voter Base as Trump Holds Steady

Vice President Kamala Harris is clinging to a waning lead among black voters, managing to elevate her numbers, yet still falling short of the glory days back in 2020 when the Biden-Harris duo was a household name. According to the latest Washington Post-Ipsos polling, 76% of black adults are now inclined to support Harris, which may sound impressive until one remembers that she used to have a staggering 91% backing back in the last election. Apparently, numbers can fluctuate like the price of avocado toast.

In a twist of irony, Joe Biden’s approval among black voters took a nosedive during his time as presumptive nominee—only getting a mere 66% of black adults and 74% of registered voters saying they would likely cast their ballots for him in a previous survey. It seems Harris is struggling to catch up with that high bar, indicating that her “I’m not Joe Biden” strategy might need a bit more polishing. The numbers, after all, don’t lie; they simply make a mockery of her aspirations to break historical ground as the first woman and first Asian American president.

The election landscape is looking just as shaky for Democrats all across the board. Former President Donald Trump has also not been immune to the ups and downs of voter sentiment, but his support among black voters isn’t crumbling as dramatically as some might hope. His recent polling shows that 13% of black adults still plan to check his box while his registered black voter support sits at a slightly lower 12%. In essence, Trump’s numbers aren’t exactly a landslide win, but they reveal a tenacity that could send shivers down the spines of Democratic hopefuls who thought they had this demographic locked down tight.

Meanwhile, independent candidates like Cornel West and Green Party stalwart Jill Stein are experiencing a free-fall in their appeal, dumping to about 8% and 5% respectively—a sobering reality that suggests voters may be more wary of alternative choices. In a world where going green was supposed to be the hot new trend, it looks like the Green Party has slipped into the “Do Not Resuscitate” category.

Despite all the rapid polling changes, the real game tonight is about to kick off in the battleground states, with a tightrope race showing Harris just behind Trump at 48% to 47%. As the first presidential debate looms ever closer, it remains to be seen whether Harris will manage to recapture the fading magic from that fabled 2020 campaign or if Trump will exploit her shortcomings and march onward with fervor. For now, the Democrats may want to rethink that “solidarity” slogan because this election cycle seems to be anything but united.

Written by Staff Reports

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