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Kamala Harris: The Biden Clone No One Wanted

In a world where reality is often stranger than fiction, the Biden administration somehow manages to outpace even the most twisted sitcom plots. Recently, a member of the administration, apparently channeling the spirit of Captain Obvious, declared that there’s not a single detail about the past four years they’d change. This position, which could double as a creative writing prompt for a particularly baffling interpretive arts class, highlights a delightful aspect of leftist reasoning: if everything is everything, then surely nothing can be improved.

This particular worldview seems to operate on the principle of “different equals the same.” We’ve heard this tune played ad infinitum. In leftist logic, if you’re different, well, you’re really just the same as everyone else. It’s the kind of philosophical gumbo that makes one’s head spin faster than a hamster on a wheel. Women are men, men are women, and in this whimsical non-binary world, everyone’s identity is a delightful mosaic that essentially leads us right back to beige. Who needs vibrancy when you can have uniformity masquerading as diversity?

The absurdity doesn’t stop there. Picture this: a team meeting where every person brings a different, albeit identical, idea to the table. Each proposal is labeled “new and improved,” much like a bottle of ketchup boasting to be “the same flavor you love!” Naturally, our fragile human emotion of nostalgia isn’t left behind. The so-called “new way forward” is nothing more than an old road trip with an equally old itinerary—without any necessary pit stops for gas or reason. As the wheels turn on this journey, one can only hope there are snacks in the glove compartment or at the very least, some philosophical enlightenment.

This harmonious confusion leads to policies that seem designed to cut through the fabric of reality as thick as a plot twist in a soap opera. Affordable housing initiatives? No thank you; let’s shell out tons of taxpayer dollars to keep rent just high enough that folks can barely afford a cardboard box. Climate initiatives? Sure, let’s implement regulations that are less about saving the planet and more about creating a new thriving industry for consultants and bureaucracy. Everyone wins… except the average Joe trying to make ends meet.

Yet, amidst the chaos, the administration remains resolutely unimpressed with calls for change. The more the public yells for adjustments—the keystone of democracy, mind you—the less they seem to listen. It’s as if the echoes of dissent are comforting background noise that only amplifies their hymn to sameness. So, as the curtain falls on this dramedy, one can’t help but wonder what the next episode holds. More identically different policies? More baffling pronouncements from the administration? Whatever it is, at least it promises to be just the right kind of bizarre to keep America entertained. After all, who doesn’t love a good circus act, especially when the performers seem blissfully unaware that the audience isn’t quite as charmed as they pretend to be?

Written by Staff Reports

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