
Kamala Harris Tries to Rewrite Role in Afghanistan Withdrawal Disaster

Kamala Harris has fondly recalled her presence as “the last person in the room” during the decision-making process for the disastrous U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. However, since launching her presidential campaign, there seems to be a concerted effort to distance herself from the fallout of that decision. As the public’s memory of her actions as vice president fades, she and her surrogates have begun to insist that her role was minimal, especially in matters such as border security, deflecting any blame that could be associated with her tenure.

Despite her attempts to rewrite history, Harris is inextricably linked to the Biden administration’s agenda. The truth is that she proudly endorsed the administration’s policies, including the hasty exit from Afghanistan that resulted in chaos and tragic loss of life. Recently, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg took to CNN to defend Harris’s track record, but instead of providing credible answers about her accountability, he meandered through a series of vague statements and deflections.

When pressed about Harris’s complicity in the Afghanistan pullout, Buttigieg couldn’t quite address the elephant in the room. Instead of tackling the question head-on, he foisted a peculiar counter-attack about the timing of a forthcoming report from the House Foreign Affairs Committee, suggesting it might be politically motivated. This kind of deflection does little to distract from the horrific images that still haunt the American public: the tragic deaths of thirteen service members as a direct result of the administration’s failures.

Bash, the CNN host, attempted to pin Buttigieg down by pointing out that the consequences of the withdrawal are indeed a significant problem for the Biden administration. Unfortunately, Buttigieg’s response was a lengthy monologue filled with generalities rather than specific answers. He claimed the need to end “America’s longest war” was clear, yet failed to address the implications of Harris’s direct involvement in the decision-making that led to such a humiliating display on the world stage.

The spin from Buttigieg, noted for his penchant for verbosity, amounted to a classic example of political doublespeak. He rambled on about securing the homeland as if stating the obvious somehow absolved Harris of her failures. This kind of talk is typical of those in the administration looking to shield their own from accountability. If a Harris administration were ever to materialize, it could very well mean more of this uninspired rhetoric—lots of talking with little substance. Conservatives are left to wonder how many more spin doctors like Buttigieg are required to continuously sell the same flawed policies to the American people.

Written by Staff Reports

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