
Kamala Harris Urged Donations to Bail Fund for Violent Offenders Amid 2020 Riots

As cities across America were engulfed in chaos during the summer of 2020, then-Senator Kamala Harris was busy authoring a blog post that could only be described as “how to financially support lawlessness.” Published on her Medium account amidst riots triggered by the death of George Floyd, Harris encouraged anyone who wasn’t catching Z’s on their couch to donate to a bail fund that notably secured the release of individuals who would make even the most hardened criminals raise an eyebrow.

Harris opted to rally the public’s generosity towards the Minnesota Freedom Fund, an organization that had, shall we say, a very unique understanding of bail. Not only did this fund bail out petty protestors, but it also threw a lifeline to some seriously problematic characters. For instance, they helped free a criminal recently sentenced to life for first-degree murder. But sure, she stood “in solidarity” with those protesting police brutality—nothing says “I care” quite like lining the pockets of folks who see the police as their real adversaries.

The former senator, who has since ascended to the vice presidency and now seeks the Democratic nomination for 2024, made it clear that she believed these protests were indicative of a deeper societal issue. Yet, there seems to be a curious disconnect; while Harris decried “systemic racism,” she simultaneously facilitated a bail fund that freed violent offenders. This level of cognitive dissonance would make any psychologist raise an eyebrow, but for Democrats, it’s simply par for the course.

Trump’s campaign isn’t letting her off easy. They have seized upon this blunder to call Harris out for her support of rioters. The message is clear: Kamala Harris helped fund the very chaos that left communities in ruins, letting convicted felons walk free while hard-working Americans remained trapped in their homes. Her actions have not gone unnoticed; even her campaign is silent on the matter, which is a miracle in itself.

The truth about the Minnesota Freedom Fund reveals a pattern of behavior that seems at odds with the jovial rhetoric presented by liberal politicians. Before Harris gave it her stamp of approval, the fund was operating on a modest budget of just $230,000. After she injected some of that celebrity influence, the fund’s budget skyrocketed, freeing a myriad of individuals—some of whom have since been convicted of murder and others with histories of violent offenses. In doing so, Harris wasn’t just raising money for “protestors” but potentially enabling a cycle of violence that could have devastating effects on local communities.

At the end of the day, while Harris may now publicly distance herself from these past actions, the reality is that she staunchly advocated for a fund that financed criminals under the guise of social justice. The average American has a right to question the wisdom of electing a leader who enthusiastically supports initiatives that seem designed to dismantle law and order in favor of political posturing. Kamala Harris’s relationship with the bail fund is a chapter that will likely haunt her as she presses forward in her 2024 campaign, and voters would do well to remember who really benefits from policies that prioritize criminals over civilians.

Written by Staff Reports

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