
Kamala Hits Record Low Popularity! Trump’s GOP Support Soars High

A new NBC News poll shows that Vice President Kamala Harris has taken a big hit. She is now the least liked vice president in the history of such polls. Only 32% of registered voters liked how she did her job, giving her a negative grade of -17, which was the worst it had ever been. This is a far cry from her predecessor, Mike Pence, who had a more fair 34% positive to 38% negative rating, giving him a negative rating of just -4.

Also, a gap is starting to form between men and women. Men are more likely to give Harris a bad grade (55% vs. 44%) than women are (44%). This means that Harris's policies might be closer to those of the feminist Left than to those of most people.

But the NBC News poll has some good news for the Republican Party. Even though he was indicted by the federal government in the secret documents investigation, former President Donald Trump still has the most support among possible GOP candidates, with 51% of Republican primary voters backing him. This is a 5-point increase since April. He is the clear winner, beating out Governor Ron DeSantis, whose popularity has gone down by 9 points since April, showing that people don't like him as much as they used to.

Also, when the race comes down to just Trump and DeSantis, Trump has a strong 60% and DeSantis has 36%. Trump seems to be doing better than his opponents with "very conservative" Republicans, Republicans without college degrees, and Republicans 65 and older. On the other hand, DeSantis does better with "moderate/liberal" Republicans, people with college degrees, and voters between the ages of 18 and 49.

This study shows that the Republican Party is split. 49% want Trump to be the leader of the GOP, while 21% are open to other leaders (even though they think Trump was a good president) and 29% want a new leader who acts better and takes a different approach. But in a field with more than one candidate, Trump's backing is important.

In conclusion, the NBC News poll shows that support for Vice President Kamala Harris is falling quickly, while support for former President Donald Trump among Republican primary voters keeps growing. This is definitely bad news for the Democratic Party, which could face a big fight from Trump in the next few years if he comes back from the dead.

Written by Staff Reports

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